When was lotr two towers released

Bizarrely, its content was half Fellowship of the Ring and half The Two Towers , but at the time we were willing to accept that. Viggo Mortensen would be on the screen, and then he would morph into a lumpy digital Aragorn who you could control, in third-person action gameplay that was a little bit Gauntlet Legends and a little bit Devil May Cry.

This partially has to do with the genre that the game finds itself in. Movie tie-in games have always been wild cards in the video game economy. The Lion King for the Super Nintendo was an iron-hard challenge that functionally bullied thousands of children. These were games that were functionally about making a little more cash off of some intellectual property, no more, no less. And, look, I get it. Developers are handed a pre-baked set of ideas and told to cram them into the framework of a video game.

Where The Two Towers succeeded where so many others failed, though, is in how it crammed. For example, the video game Minority Report , also released in , chose to tread some of the same ground as the film, while clearly taking different approaches to certain plot elements to reach roughly the same narrative beats. This is not a game that is selling you on the fantasy of the broad concept of The Lord of the Rings.

Bruce Allpress Aldor as Aldor. Sean Astin Sam as Sam. John Bach Madril as Madril. Cate Blanchett Galadriel as Galadriel. Billy Boyd Pippin as Pippin. Jed Brophy Sharku as Sharku …. Sam Comery Eothain as Eothain. Brad Dourif Wormtongue as Wormtongue. Calum Gittins Haleth as Haleth. Bernard Hill Theoden as Theoden. Bruce Hopkins Gamling as Gamling. Paris Howe Strewe Theodred as Theodred. Christopher Lee Saruman as Saruman. Peter Jackson. Could Jake Gyllenhaal Save Middle-earth? It's been 15 years since the Lord of the Rings trilogy ended, but we still can't get enough.

Let's look at the stars who missed out on adventures in Middle-earth. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. The continuing quest of Frodo and the Fellowship to destroy the One Ring. Frodo and Sam discover they are being followed by the mysterious Gollum.

Aragorn, the Elf archer Legolas, and Gimli the Dwarf encounter the besieged Rohan kingdom, whose once great King Theoden has fallen under Saruman's deadly spell. A New Power Is Rising. Action Adventure Drama Fantasy. Did you know Edit. I wish I could tell you it was any of these, but unfortunately, a month after that, Tolkien settled on none of those combos. Orthanc and Minas Morgul. Creative demands of the adaptation meant that Minas Morgul only appeared in Return of the King , as a sickly green castle that fires a giant eldritch laser into the sky before spewing forth the armies of Mordor.

And through no fault of their own, the mainstream success of The Fellowship of the Ring invited some comparison-making for its much anticipated sequel. The title is clearly meant to refer to the attacks on the World Trade Center.

In this post-Sept. But as a fellow pedantic book fan, I think we should all rally behind a new take on the film. Minas Morgul my ass. His arrival at Helm's Deep is met with relief, but is short lived as the news of the approaching Uruk-hai horde casts doubt upon the survival of the defenders. The battle of Helm's Deep begins with a flurry of arrows from the defending archers, cutting down dozens of Uruk-hai.

Scaling ladders are thrown up against the Deeping Wall and the Uruks swarm up to engage the defenders. At first the onslaught is stayed by the valour of the Rohirrim and of Aragorn and his companions. Suddenly, two crude explosive devices that Saruman created, allowing the Uruks entry into the outer defences, blow up the gutter in the Deeping Wall.

Despite Aragorn and Gimli's best efforts, the Uruks manage to penetrate the main gate and soon the stronghold is overrun. In the midst of battle, Haldir is slain and the few remaining Elves fall back. In the Hornburg, the Uruks have scaled the walls and have breached the gate, forcing the defenders to retreat into the Keep. In Fangorn, Treebeard and the other Ents have decided to not have any involvement in the war, deciding rather to "weather such things as [they] have always done".

Despite this, Pippin manages to cleverly take Treebeard to the section of Fangorn that Saruman has recently decimated near Isengard. Treebeard is filled with rage at Saruman's betrayal and commands all the other Ents to seek vengeance. The riders storm out of the Keep and cut their way through to the fortress gate. They rush down into the body of the stunned Uruks and rout them: the terrified Uruk-hai flee into Fangorn, where the Ents and their Huorn allies swiftly exact retribution.

Meanwhile, the Ents are take control of Isengard. They destroy the remaining Uruk-hai population and release the dam placed upon the river Isen, which gushes forth into the plains around Orthanc, drowning the surviving Orc defenders, quenching the fires of its industry and flooding Isengard, and stranding Saruman in his tower.

Away in the East, Faramir has had Frodo, Sam and Gollum taken to Osgiliath, a ruined city on the banks of the river Anduin between Mordor and Gondor; where there is a Ringwraith, again on a winged beast. With the help of Sam and Faramir, Frodo narrowly escapes the Ringwraith's efforts to capture him and the Ring it nearly cost Sam his life because the Ring tried to make Frodo kill him.

In an inspired monologue as he watches the Ringwraith fly off and as victory scenes from the two battles are seen Sam reflects on the state he and Frodo are in, on how their story may yet come to have a happy ending. Frodo is doubtful of this especially because he nearly killed Sam but Sam insists that they must still hold on to what they are fighting for: each other, and the fulfilment of their quest.

Approaching them from the throes of battle, Faramir overhears them and realises these unassuming hobbits have a high doom before them which he can no longer hope to interrupt. He sets them free and helps them on their way. After the battle of Helm's Deep, Gandalf and the others ride up on horseback and gaze towards Mordor, and now know inevitable things have been set in motion.

As Gandalf puts it, " The battle for Helm's Deep is over. The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin. Feeling betrayed by Frodo when he delivered him into the hands of Faramir's men, Gollum's darker self re-emerges and he decides to reclaim the ring by secretly leading Frodo and Sam to a creature he refers to only as "her", which Gollum's lighter self reluctantly agrees to and leads the hobbits on through the woods as Mordor is seen in the distance.


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