Alumni Members. Set in motion when he took the helm on July 1, , the physical plant includes four new structures: the Wynn Fine Arts Center; Roulhac Residence Hall; the School of Education building; and a stadium with accompanying fields, buildings and NCAA regulation track. Consistent with Dr. At that time, the name was changed from Tuscaloosa Institute to Stillman Institute.

The Institute was a concept initiated by the Reverend Dr. The mandate for the Institution expanded over the years and it acquired its present campus tract of over acres. A junior and senior high school was organized and the Institute established a junior college program, which was accredited in In addition, between and , it operated a hospital and nurse training school.

Samuel Burney Hay , the school sought to expand into a senior liberal arts institution and in the name was officially changed to Stillman College. The following year, Stillman expanded into a four-year college and graduated its first baccalaureate class in Under Dr.

Sharlene Newman, assisted with the program. Major Rogers, a Stillman College alumnus, opened the meeting with an introduction about diabetics and the importance of staying healthy and being active.

Tamekia Dial, also an alumnus of Stillman College, was an active speaker at the meeting and touched upon the subject of being able to be consistent with controlling how you take care of yourself while being a diabetic. She talked to the children and teens that were present about choosing their meals wisely and cutting down on high sugar foods.

Stillman College updated their profile picture. Spread the word. Become an ambassador through the Give Stillmanite Toolkit! Help spread the word about Stillman College's Day of Giving by updating your profiles with new Give wallpapers sharing our custom social media posts and stories. And don't forget to find your passion project on the give Mobile Menu. Preparing you for a Different World! Areas of Study View all our majors and start planning your career Learn more.

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Robinette, D. Stillman College Previous Previous post: Allen University Next Next post: Nellie Stone Johnson

Priceless artifacts prehistoric site endangered by rising river KFOR com. This town: 2. Fort Coffee, OK 2. Panama, OK 2. Shady Point, OK 2. Pocola, OK 2. Cameron, OK 3.

Rock Island, OK 3. Bokoshe, OK 3. Here: 7. Health care Electrical equipment, appliances, components 8. Other production occupations, including supervisors Cashiers Air pollution and air quality trends lower is better.

City: City: 5. City: 6. Average household size: This town: 2. Percentage of family households: This town: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This town: 6. Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: Number of grocery stores : 8 Here : 1. Oklahoma : 1. Number of supercenters and club stores : 1 Le Flore County : 0. Oklahoma : 0. Number of convenience stores no gas : 6 Le Flore County : 1.

Number of convenience stores with gas : 35 Here : 7. Oklahoma : 4. Number of full-service restaurants : 19 Le Flore County : 3. Oklahoma : 6. Adult diabetes rate : Le Flore County : Adult obesity rate : Le Flore County : Healthy diet rate : Spiro: Average overall health of teeth and gums : This city: Average BMI : This city: During this period, known as the Mississippian period, Spiro leaders were developing political, religious, and economic ties with people from the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Mexico and from the coast of Virginia to the Great Lakes.

They shared horticulture, elaborate ceremonies, mound building, and an iconographic writing system with more than sixty different tribes. From AD to , the leaders at Spiro Mounds thrived. The mound center declined and was eventually abandoned by AD , although the city continued to be occupied for another years. The site remained unoccupied from AD until While Choctaw and Choctaw Freedmen cleared the mound site for farming late in the s, they did not allow any major disturbance of the site until the Great Depression.

During the s commercial, and later academic, excavations revealed one of the greatest collections of artistic and utilitarian prehistoric American Indian artifacts in the United States. Early looting of the site led to new laws, making Oklahoma one the first states to preserve and scientifically research archaeological sites. Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center opened to the public on May 9, Today the site is owned and operated by the Oklahoma Historical Society.

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Navigate your way through foreign places with the help of more personalized maps. Use the satellite view, narrow down your search interactively, save to PDF to get a free printable Spiro plan. Click this icon on the map to see the satellite view, which will dive in deeper into the inner workings of Spiro.

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Anatomically, choroid plexus tissue is floating in the cerebrospinal fluid of the lateral, third, and fourth ventricles. This tissue is well perfused by numerous villi, each having a central capillary with fenestrated endothelium. A single layer of cuboidal epithelium then covers each of these vessels. This unusual cellular anatomy forms the blood CSF barrier characterized by tight junctions at the apical end of the choroid epithelial cells rather than at the capillary endothelium within each villus[ 2 , 11 , 12 ].

Due to its glandular appearance and ventricular location, the choroid plexus has been suggested to be the major site of CSF secretion. This view was mainly based upon the historical canine experiments of Dandy. In these experiments the foramen of Monro was occluded and a choroid plexectomy of one lateral ventricle was performed. The authors reported collapse of the ventricle without choroid plexus and dilatation of the other ventricle[ 13 ].

They concluded: "From these experiments we have the absolute proof that cerebrospinal fluid is formed from the choroid plexus. Simultaneously it was proven that the ependyma lining the ventricles is not concerned in the production of cerebrospinal fluid"[ 14 ].

Interestingly, the experiments of Dandy were based upon observations from only a single dog[ 1 ]. Furthermore, the experiments could not be reproduced by others[ 15 — 17 ]. From this value and the estimated arterial blood flow through the choroid plexus, a CSF secretion rate was calculated that came very close to the estimated rate of total CSF absorption[ 18 ].

Second, these findings were substantiated by concordance with experiments in which the CSF production rate was assessed in the isolated and extracorporally-perfused choroid plexus[ 19 — 22 ]. These experiments, however, were criticized because of inherent large errors possible in the experimental technique since the various preparations all required considerable operative manipulations[ 1 , 2 , 11 ]. Furthermore, other experimental studies, including those with radioactive water provided evidence that at least some CSF must come from a source other than the choroid plexus, presumably the brain tissue itself[ 23 — 25 ].

An even higher rate of ependymal fluid secretion was derived from experiments investigating spinal cord ependyma[ 27 ]. Again, these experiments were criticized because of the "drastic experimental procedures" used.

It was concluded that "it may be wise to reserve final judgment on this question"[ 11 ]. The capillary-astrocyte complex of the blood—brain barrier BBB has been implicated as an active producer of brain interstitial fluid ISF. The ISF secreted at the blood—brain barrier is coupled with shifts of extracellular fluid between brain and CSF, eventually leading to the net formation of CSF[ 28 , 29 ].

The rate of ISF formation was estimated from the clearance rate of tracer substances, which were injected into the brain parenchyma. It was assumed that the rate of clearance provides an estimate of the rate of ISF secretion at the blood—brain barrier. Accordingly, even a recent review concluded that "the working hypothesis that the BBB is a fluid generator, although attractive, needs substantiation"[ 4 ].

Historically, the absorption of CSF into the circulating blood is most notable across the arachnoid villi[ 3 , 31 , 32 ]. It was stated: "From a purely anatomical point of view, these arachnoid villi are obvious regions for the drainage of CSF into the vascular system…" page in[ 33 ].

The notion of the arachnoid villi being the major site of CSF absorption is actually based on the early experiments of Key and Retzius who injected colored gelatin into the CSF space of human cadavers.

They reported the distribution of the dye throughout the entire CSF system and its passage across the arachnoid villi into the venous sinuses[ 34 ]. However, their results were questioned since the dye was injected at a pressure of up to 60 mmHg. It was suggested that the high pressure during the dye injection could cause rupture of the arachnoid villi and absorption into the sinuses[ 35 ].

Therefore, Weed performed dye injection experiments at pressures of only 9—13 mmHg that also attempted to determine whether or not the injected dye particles themselves could obstruct the normal drainage pathways. Isotonic solutions of non-toxic dyes ammonium citrate and potassium ferrocyanide were infused that precipitated granules of Prussian blue before the animals were intravitally fixed with acidified formalin.

Weed reported the distribution of the dye particles throughout the entire CSF space, filling the arachnoid villi along the sagittal sinus, eventually invading the dural wall of the sinus. Notably, only some granular material was found in the lumen of the sinus[ 35 , 36 ]. The authors also stated as another important result: "No evidence has been afforded in our observations of the escape of cerebrospinal fluid into cerebral veins or capillaries"[ 37 ].

Weed performed numerous pilot experiments in his effort to identify a dye solution that was best suited for his studies: "Many solutions were tried, but all proved unsatisfactory because of their toxicity or their diffuse tissue staining"[ 36 ].

One could argue, therefore, that Weed inadvertently excluded those solutions in which the absorption of CSF throughout the entire brain parenchyma would have been the result. Electron microscopy studies performed on arachnoid villi revealed a pressure-sensitive vacuolation cycle of pores, which act as one-way valves and allow for the transcellular bulk transport of fluid[ 38 , 39 ]. Extracorporal perfusion of excised dura demonstrated the passage of particles up to the size of erythrocytes[ 40 ].

Considerable portions of CSF may be absorbed into the cervical lymphatics[ 2 ]. The perineural subarachnoid space of cranial nerves, which is connected to the cranial CSF space, was suggested as a pathway for the drainage of CSF into the lymphatics of the extracranial soft tissue at the skull base[ 2 ].

Though it is obvious that CSF drains into the lymphatics, the physiological significance of this CSF absorption route is still a matter of debate. This finding led to the conclusion that only a small fraction of CSF drains via the lymphatic channels. Interestingly much RISA was drained via the cerebral perivascular spaces as well as by the passage from the subarachnoid space of olfactory lobes into the submucosal spaces of the nose and thus to the lymphatics [ 43 ].

Intravital microscopy of the exposed cervical lymph nodes during the cisternal infusion of ink revealed that particle movement was dependent on the respiratory cycle: during inspiration the speed of particle movement was 10—20 mm s -1 , while no movement was observed during the expiration phase[ 44 ]. It is important to note that the CSF and ISF spaces communicate with the cervical lymphatics via two anatomically different routes, i. Extracranial organs feature fluid exchange across the capillary bed that is driven by hydrodynamic and osmotic pressure gradients.

However, absorption of CSF into cerebral capillaries has been disputed because it was thought that the absorption of CSF is not dependent on osmotic forces. This notion was based on experiments in which dextran solutions of different osmolality were infused into the ventricles of cats at a constant pressure of 27 mmHg.

The measured infusion rate, which should equal the CSF absorption rate, decreased by the same extent. The decrease of the absorption rate was explained by the increased CSF viscosity[ 33 ].

Interestingly, a more recent animal study failed to reproduce these earlier experiments, since it was shown that 3 H 2 O from the bloodstream enters osmotically loaded cerebrospinal fluid significantly faster[ 46 ]. Since, historically, osmolality was assumed to not be relevant for CSF absorption, hydrodynamic pressure gradients would be the only driving forces for CSF drainage into the brain capillaries and post-capillary venules.

It was also assumed that any absorption would require a CSF pressure higher than the intravascular pressure and that this would cause the collapse of the vessels and prevent absorption of CSF[ 2 , 47 ].

These statements from the s and s were actually defining the understanding of CSF physiology for decades until BBB and aquaporin AQP studies clearly indicated the involvement of osmotic forces in brain water homeostasis for discussion see below. In , Masserman calculated the rate of CSF formation in patients by measuring the time needed for the CSF pressure to return to its initial level following drainage of a standard volume of CSF by lumbar puncture[ 48 ].

After drainage of 20 to 35 mL of CSF, pressure was restored at a rate of about 0. The validity of results obtained in this way was criticized because the Masserman technique assumes that neither formation nor absorption rates are changed by alterations in pressure. However, the absorption of CSF varies greatly with changes in intracranial pressure[ 49 , 50 ]. Modifications of the Masserman technique applied sophisticated infusion and drainage protocols, which recorded and controlled the CSF pressure during the measurement period see for example[ 51 ].

Despite numerous research efforts, more sophisticated experimental protocols did not yield CSF formation rates that differed from earlier work. The ventriculo-cisternal perfusion "Pappenheimer" technique represents a more quantitative approach for the assessment of CSF formation rate.

Inulin or other macromolecules, which pass through the ventricular space without being absorbed, are infused at a constant rate into the cerebral ventricles. CSF formation is calculated from the measurement of the extraventricular cisternal or spinal CSF concentration of inulin. It is assumed that any dilution of inulin between the inflow cannula and outflow cannula results from the admixture of freshly formed CSF.

In addition, the test procedure allows for the calculation of the CSF absorption rate from the clearance of inulin at the extraventricular site in animals the cisterna magna, in man the lumbar space [ 49 ]. An important disadvantage was that the procedure was difficult to apply in clinical settings because of its invasiveness: The hour long infusion required both a ventricular and extraventricular CSF catheter.

Also, both infusion rate and infused volume exceeded the physiological range of CSF flow by far. Despite these obstacles, clinical measurements were performed in brain tumor patients who received ventricular catheters for chemotherapy purposes: In patients 9—61 years old the average flow rate was 0.

These results were confirmed in children with brain tumors[ 53 ]. Furthermore, similar data are available from hydrocephalus patients[ 54 ]. Though more precise, the ventriculocisternal or ventriculolumbar perfusion techniques yielded results remarkably close to those assessed by the Masserman technique[ 2 ]. Findings from both the Masserman and the Pappenheimer techniques were supported by neuroradiological investigations applying serial CT scans to assess the ventricular washout of metrizamide, a water soluble contrast media.

The rate of right lateral ventricular CSF formation ranged from 0. Hence, the assessment of the CSF formation and absorption rates remains a matter of debate even today. It has been suggested that a method that is less invasive than the Pappenheimer method ventriculo-cisternal perfusion and more reliable than the Masserman method is sorely needed[ 50 ]. The concept of the "third circulation" suggesting that CSF flows through the ventricles, cisterns and subarachnoid space SAS and is reabsorbed into the blood at the arachnoid villi, was introduced by Cushing in [ 57 , 58 ].

This notion was a radical departure from the contemporary view that the CSF moved by ebb and flow[ 1 ]. Since Cushing, the circulatory, bulk flow character of the CSF system has remained unquestioned by the majority of researchers.

Even recent reviews assume a directed CSF circulation through the ventricles and the subarachnoid space toward the arachnoid villi[ 1 , 5 , 32 ]. Nevertheless, as will be discussed below, this understanding of CSF circulation appears to be a rough simplification of a much more complicated situation.

Anatomically the VRS refers to a histologically-defined space, which surrounds blood vessels arterioles and venules when penetrating from the subarachnoid space into the brain tissue. Originally, it was thought that the VRS is connected to the subarachnoid space, allowing for a free fluid communication. It was suggested that interstitial fluid may be outwardly drained along these pathways into the SAS and eventually towards the arachnoid villi[ 35 ]. Later this concept was questioned on the basis of light microscopic examinations, which depicted perivascular spaces as cul-de-sacs, open to the subarachnoid space but closed towards the parenchyma and therefore not a channel for flow[ 59 ].

The first systematic electron microscopic study of blood vessels entering the cerebral cortex confirmed this view. In addition it was reported that small arterioles entering the cortex carry with them to the point at which they become capillaries an extension of the subarachnoid space[ 60 ]. Actually, these findings, showing the obliteration of the VRS at the capillary bed, led to the rejection of the earlier theories on the existence of a perivascular CSF circulation.

As discussed by others[ 61 ], these morphological findings eventually supported the general belief that the interstitial fluid ISF is stagnant in the central nervous system. Morphology of Virchow Robin and perivascular spaces. Delineated by basal membranes of glia, pia and endothelium, the Virchow Robin space VRS depicts the space surrounding vessels penetrating into the parenchyma. The VRS is obliterated at the capillaries where the basement membranes of glia and endothelium join.

The complex pial architecture may be understood as an invagination of both cortical and vessel pia into the VRS. The pial funnel is not a regular finding. The pial sheath around arteries extends into the VRS, but becomes more fenestrated and eventually disappears at the precapillary section of the vessel.

Unlike arteries as shown in this figure , veins do not possess a pial sheath inside the VRS. ISF may drain by way of an intramural pathway along the basement membranes of capillaries and arterioles into the lymphatics at the base of the skull green arrows.

It should be noted that the figure does not depict the recently suggested periarterial flow from the SAS into the parenchyma and an outward flow into the cervical lymphatics along the veins for discussion see text "Current research". Also, it is still a matter of debate whether the Virchow Robin space, extending between the outer basement membrane of the vessel and the glia, represents a fluid-filled open space see text.

The current understanding of the microscopic anatomy of the VRS is more complex Figure 1. Actually, its fine structure is built upon endothelial, pial, and glial cell layers, each of them delineated by distinct basement membranes[ 62 — 64 ].

The glial membrane glia limitans covering the brain parenchyma forms the outer wall of the VRS[ 65 ]. At the capillary bed, the basement membrane of the glia fuses with the outer vascular membrane thereby occluding the Virchow-Robin space[ 66 , 67 ]. Arterial and venous vessels running within the cortical subarachnoid space are covered with a pial cell layer, which ensheaths the vessels.

The pial sheath creates a space next to the vessel wall, which is referred to as perivascular space PVS [ 68 ]. At the site of the entrance of the cortical vessels into the VRS, their pial sheath joins with the pial cell layer covering the brain surface forming a funnel like structure, which accompanies the vessels into the VRS though for a short distance only[ 69 , 70 ].

However, the pial sheath of the arterial, but not venous, vessels extends into the VRS. Near the capillary bed, the pial sheath becomes more and more fenestrated and leaky[ 68 ]. It is important to note that the nomenclature is not used consistently.

Some authors use the terms "Virchow Robin space" and "perivascular space" as synonyms[ 71 ], while others use the terms to name different spaces as discussed above[ 72 ]. Ultrastructural electron microscopic studies agree that pial membranes separate the VRS from the cortical subarachnoid space[ 65 , 68 , 70 ].

Since electron microscopy of human brain specimens shows that the VRS and the PVS are collapsed[ 68 ], it is a matter of debate whether these histologically-characterized compartments are actually open or just potential spaces.

However, studies in rodents have demonstrated the VRS filled with fluid, electron microscopic dense material[ 70 ], macrophages and other blood born inflammatory cells[ 64 , 67 ]. Possibly, different fixation procedures may explain this discrepancy: rodent brains undergo intra-vital perfusion fixation, while the studies in man have to rely on specimens, which are fixed extra-corporally.

Although pial cell layers obviously separate the VRS from the cortical subarachnoid space, physiologically there is strong evidence indicating that fluid circulates along the VRS Figure 2.

Following the injection of horseradish peroxidase HRP into the lateral ventricles or subarachnoid space of anesthetized cats and dogs, light microscopic examination of serial brain sections has been performed utilizing a sensitive histochemical technique tetramethylbenzidine incubation [ 73 ]. The authors reported the distribution of tracer reaction product within the VRS and along the basal laminae around capillaries.

The influx into these spaces was very rapid since the intraparenchymal microvasculature was clearly outlined 6 min after the infusion of HRP. Electron microscopy of sections incubated after 10 or 20 min of HRP circulation confirmed the paravascular location of the reaction product, which was also dispersed throughout the extracellular spaces ECS of the adjacent parenchyma.

The rapid paravascular influx of HRP could be prevented by halting or diminishing the pulsations of the cerebral arteries by aortic occlusion or by partial ligation of the brachiocephalic artery.

However, it should be noted that others were not able to reproduce these findings; Krisch et al. Also, another study reported that following microinjection into the VRS or the subarachnoid space of rats, tracers e. India ink, albumin labeled with colloidal gold, Evans blue, rhodamine remained largely in the VRS, the cortical subpial space and the core of subarachnoid trabeculae.

Nevertheless, bulk flow of fluid within the VRS, around both arteries and veins, was suggested from video-densitometric measurements of fluorescently labeled albumin. However, the observed flow was slow and its direction varied in an unpredictable way[ 71 ]. Furthermore, it was shown that, following intracerebral injection, India ink particles concentrated in the VRS, but were then rapidly ingested by perivascular cells.

Notably, very little movement of carbon-labeled perivascular cells and perivascular macrophages was seen after 2 years[ 74 ]. Diagram representing fluid movements at the Virchow Robin space.

Glial blue lines and pial yellow lines cell membranes enclose the VRS and control fluid exchange. Note, that it is a matter of debate whether the VRS represents an open fluid fill space see text for discussion. Both experimental and clinical evidence indicate the existence of a pathway along the basement membranes of capillaries, arterioles, and arteries for the drainage of ISF and solutes into the lymphatic system red lines and green arrows.

It is unclear, whether the subpial perivascular spaces around arteries and veins light blue serve as additional drainage pathways. Also, the proposed glymphatic pathway connecting the arterial and venous VRS with the venous perivascular space black arrows is still a matter of debate. Step 1: prepare the patient You may be given a sedative to make you drowsy and relaxed. A doctor and at least one assistant will be in the room. You will lie on your side with your knees drawn to your chest so that your spine is curved; in some cases you may sit on the table and lean forward onto some pillows instead.

After cleaning your back with a cooling antiseptic, the doctor will numb the area of your lower back where the needle will be inserted. This may cause some brief stinging. Step 2: insert the needle Next, a hollow needle is inserted between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae into your spinal canal Fig.

The needle doesn't touch the nerves of your spinal cord. Your doctor will collect between 5 to 20 ml of cerebrospinal fluid in 2 to 4 tubes. You will probably feel pressure when the needle is inserted, and some people feel a sharp stinging sensation when the needle goes through the protective dural layer that surrounds the spinal cord.

Although you may feel some discomfort, it is important that you lie still. Let your doctor know if you are feeling pain. Step 3: measure CSF pressure optional You will be asked to straighten your legs to decrease abdominal pressure and increase cerebrospinal fluid pressure. The needle is attached to a meter and the pressure in your spinal canal is measured. Step 4: insert a lumbar drain optional In cases of hydrocephalus, a catheter may be inserted to continuously remove CSF and relieve pressure on the brain.

The CSF is contained within a system of fluid-filled cavities called ventricles. The ventricles are shown in blue on the following midsagittal section of the brain. The Ventricles CSF is produced mainly by a structure called the choroid plexus in the lateral, third and fourth ventricles.

CSF flows from the lateral ventricle to the third ventricle through the interventricular foramen also called the foramen of Monro. Physicians have long known that rising intracranial pressure may help create leaks. Now, a multidisciplinary team is developing protocols to better monitor rising pressures, especially in postsurgical patients. Health Home Conditions and Diseases. What is cerebrospinal fluid? What is a CSF leak? Analysis of the nasal fluid: This test is used to detect beta-2 transferrin, a protein found almost exclusively in CSF.

CT scan: This noninvasive diagnostic imaging procedure uses X-rays and computer technology to produce detailed imaging of bones and planes of the brain. MRI scan: This uses a large magnet, radiofrequencies and a computer to produce detailed images of organs and structures in the body.

Cisternogram — CT or nuclear medicine : These two tests, each performed in a similar way, require a spinal tap also known as a lumbar puncture to administer a fluid to the CSF that allows your doctor to identify if a CSF leak is present and the source of the leak. During this test, a contrast medium is injected into the spinal fluid through a spinal tap, and then a CT scan is performed.

The first floor contains information about the sea. There are seven exhibits, each with a different piece of information about the sea. On the western wing, there are experiments and displays involving Whirlpools , Waterfalls , buoyancy, and fossilization. While, on the eastern wing, there are displays and samples of ancient beach sand, and old sedimentary rocks, as well as fun facts about the sea.

On the second floor, there are nine more exhibits, which include models of the Hoenn region and the ship S. The museum can be entered free of charge before Team Magma or Team Aqua leave, as the reception believes that the player is part of their group.

However, this only works if the player lacks the money needed for the 50 fee. He travels across the nation on his Fearow. Stern's Shipyard is a building owned by Captain Stern.

Stern's Shipyard is a large brown building located next to the ocean. In front of the building are two houses, and around the building are three small wooden boats. It is located in the eastern part of Slateport City, and is where the S. Tidal was constructed. The Harbor is located at the northeast of Slateport. After the player visits the summit of Mt. Pyre for the first time and, in Emerald, also clears the Magma Hideout , Captain Stern is seen being interviewed outside the Harbor.

After entering the Hall of Fame , Captain Stern is here, asking the player to go on a cruise on the S. Those traded from outside sources will not be able to be renamed. It is replaced by the Battle Tent in Emerald. Contest entries of all ranks are unrestricted in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. It is one of the three Battle Tents found in Emerald. Slateport City's high population can be attributed to a number of factors, such as its market, beach, and shipyard. In the anime , Slateport City is a large city on a cliff overlooking the ocean.

Ash and his friends arrived there in Now That's Flower Power! Joy explained that Littleroot Town 's location may be difficult for some Trainers to reach, and Slateport City offers a convenient alternative. New Trainers have the choice of Treecko , Torchic , and Mudkip.

In the Appeals Round , Drew did a very good job at showcasing his Roselia 's style and skill, earning a high score from the panel of judges. Robert also managed to captivate the judges' attention with his Milotic , delivering a performance that received a perfect score. Later, when May was called on stage, her nervousness got the best of her and she fell down to the ground when she was about to call out her Beautifly.

Vivian helped her to get up and May kicked things off by throwing a flying disc up in the air so Beautifly could use String Shot on it and send it back to her. After that, Beautifly created a giant tornado with its Silver Wind attack. Despite May's shaky start, the judges felt her performance was impressive enough and she was among the Coordinators moving on to the Contest Battles along with Drew and Robert.

After the list of contestants was randomly shuffled, the match-ups for the second round were determined, revealing that May would face off against Drew in the first match. May was determined to beat her rival, but her lack of experience caused her downfall as Beautifly was subdued by Roselia's powerful Solar Beam. With Beautifly unable to continue battling, the judges ruled Battle Off and declared Drew as the winner. Afterwards, Drew and his Roselia went up against Robert and his Milotic in the semifinals.

Despite Drew's efforts, Robert easily defeated him and proceeded to the finals, where he once again emerged victorious, earning the coveted Slateport Ribbon. The thief got away with only half of the volcanic stone, while Captain Stern was able to recover the other half to continue his research.

Flower in The Ribbon Cup Caper. The event took place from Hi Ho Silver Wind! May, Drew, Harley, Robert, and Anthony were ultimately among the Coordinators who qualified for the competition. During the competition, May was able to defeat Harley and Anthony, but lost to Drew in the quarterfinal round. In The Cuteness Quotient! While in Slateport, Goh caught a Wingull. After witnessing Team Magma attacking Stern's Shipyard , Ruby ended up escaping them into Submarine Explorer 1 , which subsequently dived on autopilot, with him and Magma Admin Blaise on board.

However, he failed to obtain the Hyper Rank Beauty Ribbon due to his Feebas , Feefee , being outperformed by a mystery competitor. Angered by this, Ruby vented his frustration out on Feefee, who swam away and appeared to get trapped by the collapsing Contest Hall. After being taken to a nearby hospital unconscious, Ruby decided to help the Hoenn Gym Leaders and Sapphire deal with the crisis.

Page actions Article Discussion View source History. Please remember to follow the manual of style and code of conduct at all times. The picture used in this article is unsatisfactory. Reason: Guidebook labels Please feel free to replace it so it conforms to Bulbapedia conventions. Map description. Connecting locations. Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details. Route has a new Cycling Road, but you won't be able to use it now without a Bike.

Birch will come to talk to you, and you'll register him in your PokeNav. There's a little purple house here, known as the Trick House. It is a small purple house filled with many puzzles, and is managed by a balding man known as the Trick Master. This might not seem to be much of anything, but eight different items can be obtained here just by getting through the Trick Master' puzzles. There are eight puzzles in all, and you must complete one to get to the next.

Below is the list of what you can get for completing each puzzle. Go west onto Route Come back afterwards to continue on Route When you come to a narrow strip of land surrounded by water on both sides, you'll meet your rival. She's very strong, so prepare yourself with some strong Pokemon. Beat her and you'll receive an Itemfinder. Afterwards, you'll battle two more trainers, and finally, you're at the next city!

Main Pokedex Games Other. Be sure to do that. Go into the back room of the contests building and talk to the guy in the southwest corner to get TM41 Torment. Go east and find the building with ships next to it.

Go inside and walk north. Talk to the guy at the table. Then go outside and go north, then east to the building across the small bridge. Go inside and pay to enter. He gives you TM46 Thief.

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Hard rubbish The City of Kingston provides a yearly free hard-rubbish collection as well as on-call user pays collections. Our Litter Infringement Policy became effective on 11 December, The purpose of the policy is to keep Porirua tidy and free from illegal dumping. Final Litter Infringement Policy The operation was carried out by Porirua City Council contractors Downer NZ, using abseilers, skips and specialised trucks and lifting equipment.

This cost ratepayers thousands of dollars and if the offenders of this callous and calculated dumping are identified, they will be prosecuted. Pay online Alerts Contact Us. Toggle navigation. Dumped rubbish. We work hard to make sure public areas are kept free of rubbish and hazardous waste. We can increase the frequency should there be a demonstrated need or a planned event. Street bins are cleaned and disinfected at regular times throughout the year.

If a street or park litter bin is full, smelly or dirty we can arrange for the bin to be cleaned and emptied. To report an issue with a bin, call our Customer Service on 03 and provide the following information:. Skip to main content. These links change page section content below Overview Litter on building sites Rubbish dumping Use your local waste services Litter straying from bins Transporting waste Street and park bins.

Overview Littering is illegal and offenders can be prosecuted under the Environment Protection Act Litter on building sites Builders and owner builders must take measures to ensure that litter, debris and other waste is contained on the building site to the satisfaction of Council. Rubbish dumping The illegal dumping of rubbish is costly and dangerous to the community. Use your local waste services If you have rubbish that cannot be disposed of by your regular bin collection service or via a public street bin, you may be able to take it to your local Transfer Station.

Litter straying from bins If litter has spilled from your garbage or recycling bin, you must remove it from the road or any Council land. Transporting waste If you are transporting any waste, including manure, dead animals or animal remains, the vehicle must be constructed, fitted, loaded and covered to prevent anything from spilling or leaking, including offensive odours.

Street and park bins Excalibur Cleaning Services is contracted by Council to empty and clean street and park litter bins. To report an issue with a bin, call our Customer Service on 03 and provide the following information: Exact details of location Nearest cross street Section of park.

These discoveries were made with the help of 25 volunteers, each of whom who downed a ounce can of Rockstar on an empty stomach in five minutes or less. A single can contained milligrams of caffeine and 2, mg of taurine, along with guarana seed, ginseng root and milk thistle extracts. All of the volunteers were in good health.

Their average age was 29 and their average body mass index was 25, right on the border between having a normal weight and being overweight.

None of them were on medications, and none had consumed alcohol or caffeine in the 24 hours before each test. Just before taking their first swig, the volunteers allowed researchers to measure their heart rate and blood pressure and to draw a sample of blood.

All of those tests were repeated 30 minutes after their cans were emptied. The volunteers started out with heart rates and blood pressure readings in the normal range. Both drinks led to a slight uptick in the heart rate — an average of 3. Those outcomes were essentially the same.

The biggest difference was in blood levels of norepinephrine , a precursor of epinephrine a. After consuming the real energy drink, the average amount of norepinephrine rose from After graduation, Weiner planned and sold spring break trips to Cancun and Hawaii geared toward high school students, Forbes reported.

Weiner ran for a seat in the California State Assembly in , according to Forbes. Then 28 years old, Weiner ran on a conservative platform and only garnered Skyy Vodka founder Maurice Kanbar was impressed with Weiner's performance on the campaign trail and gave the future billionaire a job at his company, according to Forbes.

Kanbar was also a friend of Weiner's father, Forbes reported. Weiner had the idea to create a new energy drink while working at Skyy after seeing the success of Red Bull, but Kanbar did not approve the project, according to Forbes. He also rented a computer at a then-Kinko's location to design his new company's logo and reach out to manufacturers, Forbes reported.

Rockstar found initial success as a cheaper alternative to Red Bull, thanks to its wide variety of flavors, Forbes reported in The drink was set apart by its unusually large size for an energy drink. Rockstar was first in the category to be sold in 16 oz cans, PepsiCo said in a statement. Weiner drove around San Francisco in an old limousine with Rockstar's logo painted on the side to promote the drink when it first launched, according to Forbes.

After interviewing the billionaire in , Forbes' Abram Brown wrote that Weiner could also be combative and short-sighted. According to Brown , Weiner's disposition caused numerous Rockstar executives to leave the company and Coca-Cola to renege on a deal to handle Rockstar's distribution.

The two companies signed a distribution deal in , Forbes reported. I'm proud of what we built and how we've changed the game in the energy space.

I was running this business 24 hours a day for the past 20 years. I was never not working. The 10,square-foot house sits on an acre of land and has a pool, a spa, and a private dock with space for four jet skis. That house was built in an "ultra-modern" style and has views of the LA skyline, according to the LA Times.

The yacht's amenities include a Jacuzzi and gym on the top deck and sleeping accommodations for 12, according to Curbed. What will he do now with all his cash? Since neither Pepsi nor Weiner specifically said in the release that he would continue to run the company, it's possible Weiner is looking to his next chapter.

Whether that includes politics or another business idea remains to seen. Either way, he won't have to mortgage any of his mansions.

Skip Navigation. Key Points. The deal caps one of the great underdog entrepreneur stories of the business world.

The Feline Leukemia Vaccination can only be given with proof of a negative result on a Feline Leukemia test. Capstar will be given automatically to all animals on which a flea is seen.

Capstar kills live fleas almost immediately and can be used in conjunction with topical flea treatments and preventatives. Capstar is used to limit the transfer of fleas from one animal to another and to create a sterile environment for surgery. Antibiotics may be recommended if signs of infection are seen in your animal.

If an infection is noted, we will recommend that your animal go home with antibiotics. This charge covers the cost of extra precautions given to animals of advanced age to ensure their safety and proper recovery. This fee will be used towards the cost of surgery when the animal returns.

In most cases, we will provide low-cost treatment of the illness if we are able. Like 2. View Previous Previous. Featured Content. Halloween Collection. View Collection.

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Opium in Afghanistan is a part of the pernicious troika of corruption, insurgency and narcotics running down that nation. All three of the diseases feed off each other, and without an element of the others, none could exist. The challenge is to destroy, wean, or subvert the opium product coming out of Afghanistan without losing the support of Afghans dependent on the billions of dollars it brings into the country.

In those three provinces alone, production has increased by over 36, hectares an area approximately as large as the Gaza Strip, or Manhattan, the Bronx, and Brooklyn together , an increase greater than the entire production of Eastern Afghanistan. Coupled with an extremely difficult and convoluted security situation, opium cultivation and production is devastating the South and hobbling development there for years to come. While cultivation rose by a much greater percentage and amount between and 56, hectares , the smaller increase this year should not be taken as a good omen; the South can only produce so much more opium.

In Helmand this year every single person expected their village to cultivate opium, and the British forces operating there do so in an extremely hostile environment. The refinement and processing of opium into morphine and heroin continues to be conducted in-country. The UN estimates two-thirds of all opiates leaving the country have been refined into either morphine base or crude forms of heroin.

Additionally, criminal networks and insurgents continue to merge in southern Afghanistan, sharing profits, tactics and anti-government ideology. Suicide attacks against eradication personnel have surged in and have continured in early Farmers continue to cultivate the crop where security remains elusive, corruption is rampant, and high yields are likely.

Farmers in the north have abandoned the crop due to increased pressure, better governance, and enhanced security which allows for the implementation of alternative livelihood programs. In late October , authorities in Jakarta, Indonesia apprehended Afghan drug kingpin Haji Juma Khan, an ethnic Balouch who ruled the Baramcha heroin distribution center since Khan represents the most senior Afghan drug trafficker ever arrested.

Khan has been extradited to the United States and is charged with several counts of narco-terrorism. He currently awaits trial in New York and faces a sentence of 20 years to life. Haji Juma Khan's Indictment. The UN suggests there is no province that will likely see an increase in poppy cultivation in Additionally, the 18 poppy-free provinces from are expected to remain so this year.

Baghlan and Herat will likely be the next two provinces to be listed as poppy-free as cultivation is expected to plummet and eradication measures expanded. Overall Poppy Cultivation Expectations for Domestic production of morphine and heroin has increased substantially since Illicit precursor chemicals needed to facilitate the chemical conversion of opium into morphine base and heroin, some 1, tones of acetic anhydride heroin processing and 9, tones of other chemicals, are trafficked through Pakistan, Iran and Tajikistan each year.

Interdiction measures have succeeded in confiscating some shipments but have not made any significant impact on the industry see chart below.

In late , NATO officials announced plans to target drug traffickers and laboratories associated with insurgents for the first time. The plan drew criticism from some European NATO countries citing legal concerns over killing unarmed traffickers.

Critics claim International law prohibits nations from using military force against criminals, including drug traffickers. The number of "poppy-free" provinces has increased from 18 to 20 according to the same report. Read the glossary of terms by Center for Culture and Conflict Studies. Opium poppy plants can be refined to form the the basis for several highly addictive drugs, including heroin. After the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said: "When we were in power before there was no production of drugs.

He said "we will bring opium cultivation to zero again" and that there would be no smuggling. At first, opium poppy cultivation rose substantially under Taliban rule - from around 41, hectares in , to more than 64, in , according to the US State Department. But in July the Taliban banned opium poppy farming in areas they controlled. And a UN report in May "observed the near total success of the ban in eliminating poppy cultivation in Taliban controlled areas". Following the Taliban's ban on opium poppy farming, there was a noticeable dip in opium and heroin seizures globally in and Although there has been cultivation in regions controlled until recently by the former government, most poppy growing has been concentrated in areas held by the Taliban.

Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, for example, had the most land used for poppy cultivation in when controlled by the Taliban. Opium farming is a major source of employment in Afghanistan, and in opium harvesting provided almost , jobs, according to the UNODC Afghanistan opium survey.

These information are key for planning, implementing, and monitoring global counter-narcotic efforts. United Nations. Office on Drugs and Crime. Site Search.

Join Operation Smile! Meetings are every Tuesday, 8 P. Operation Smile is a worldwide charity that provides surgical and rehabilitative services to repair facial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate. They build public and private partnerships that advocate for sustainable healthcare systems for children and families. These deformities are not simply physical conditions. Many children with these facial deformities have breathing, eating, and speaking problems due to their condition.

In addition, such children are often ostracized by their community and are unable to live normal lives. The organization, which was founded in , plans to establish 40 district hospitals in 40 different countries to celebrate four decades of nonprofit work next year. The effort will allow Operation Smile to raise the level and expand the scope of care the organization provides in those countries and also create long-term infrastructure and support that will operate outside the limited window of medical missions, according to Jones.

Students in the clubs raise awareness and funds but also can participate in an international leadership conference and go on medical missions. In addition to the school visits this week, a Saturday event in Aspen will gather about 50 invitees from the community to build awareness of the work that Operation Smile does.

Those interested in learning more can contact Jones at eljebel1 comcast. Our Approach We have established a global footprint and currently provide world-class cleft care in more than 30 countries with help from thousands of volunteers representing more than 60 countries. Global Outreach. Explore Operation Smile was founded in when Dr. Bill Magee Jr. Learn More. Read More.

Explore We partner with leading global corporations and other businesses that share our vision of a world where no child suffers from lack of access to safe surgery. Help us change lives. Operation Smile was founded in when Dr.

We partner with leading global corporations and other businesses that share our vision of a world where no child suffers from lack of access to safe surgery. Unconditional Love Clara was born with a severe cleft lip and cleft palate.

Searching for Maplestory Silent Crusade Headquarters info? You have come to exactly the right place. We collected all data about Maplestory Silent Crusade Headquarters. The links above have surely given you a comprehensive answer to all questions about Maplestory Silent Crusade Headquarters. If you are interested in any other information about corporate offices, headquarters, choose the appropriate page.

Seattle Design Firms. Ameritas Headquarters. Hike Messenger Corporate Office. Fox News Headquarters Phone Number. Forums New posts Search forums. What's new New posts New profile posts Latest activity. Log in. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Search titles only. Search Advanced search…. Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Search Advanced…. New posts. Search forums. Issues buying spell traces from crusader coin shop. Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on?

Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: ultimalegion. I had this sort of "problem" but it is not an actual problem, just mismanagement of NPCs. What happens is, your missions will first take place in Perion, so, for advancing more in the storyline I recommend you go to Perion and talk to that Wence.

He should then move you around several places like El Nath and Ludibrium since the designated target monsters are near those areas, ergo, the corresponding Wence NPC will be in the main town nearest to the designated monster's area. Do check your quest list, if no silent crusade quest appears at all, then yes, you might have been victim of a glitch, but I recommend you check these areas, in this order: Perion, El Nath, Orbis, Ludibrium, Korean Folk Town, Omega Sector, Ariant, Magatia and Leafre, if none of the Wence NPCs have lightbulbs over them then yeah, it's highly likely it glitched.

User Info: ryan I've also ran into a broken quest in that line. I finished all the quests and, then, when trying to redo them to get more coins, I can no longer get to the Goblin Forest 2 to kill King Safe Cat. If you still have any Silent Crusade quests in your log, try forfeiting them if all other options fail.

He responded with a score of in the first innings and hit another century in the last Test to become the Man of the Series, and take over the number 3 spot for years to come. More than his batting skills, it was his leadership abilities that had a major impact on England cricket over the years. He took over as skipper in under tough circumstances and had a poor start, when England lost to New Zealand at home. But Hussain and England bounced back soon, and went on to win four Test series in a row and also rise to 3rd position in the ICC Test rankings when it was launched.

Even when his batting let him down, his innovative captaincy skills and his ability to extract the best from his players kept him in firm control of the team. Hussain's One Day International career followed a similar pattern to his Test career. He made his debut as early as but became a regular only as late as He went on to make 16 fifties and a lone century against India at Lord's in He resigned from ODI captaincy after England's first round exit in the WC and relinquished the Test captaincy later in the same year.

He bowed out of cricket on a high after scoring a century at Lord's in his farewell match against New Zealand in Interesting facts: Nasser Hussain was under tremendous pressure, especially from Sky Sports' commentary team in as there were doubts about his suitability to the number 3 spot in ODIs.

After scoring his only ODI ton, he gestured wildly to the press box and pointed to the jersey number 3 on his back to the commentary team. Little did he know that he would become their colleague soon, as Hussain joined Sky Sports soon after his retirement.

Cricketers are now willing and eager to take inputs from the former cricketers in the commentary boxes. Matches Schedule Points Table Report. Schedule Points Table. Schedule Report. Nasser Hussain. Nasser Hussain England Top order batter. Most viewed players. Eoin Morgan. Moeen Ali. Eve Jones. Liam Livingstone. Sophie Day. Maia Bouchier.

Linsey Smith. David Willey. Jonny Bairstow. Chris Woakes. More Links. Browse other players. Sri Lanka. Dushmantha Chameera. Dinesh Chandimal. Dhananjaya de Silva. Wanindu Hasaranga de Silva. Avishka Fernando. If the World Test Championship final is anything to go by, the batsmen will be put under a lot of pressure by the experienced England bowling attack.

However, former India captain Mohammad Azharuddin believes that a lot of runs can be scored in England, especially in the month of August. Azharuddin has a prolific record in England and he took to Twitter to express his views.

In my experience, the wickets are dry and the batting conditions are conducive this month. Batsmen should capitalise on this.

A picture of a brown fox looked yellow. You could actually see the pixilation of every straight edge. Every picture we tried looked great on a standard computer LCD display. Both units have been returned. The first time I called they didn't believe me, so I tried exchanging. The 2nd model had the same issues. The clock does not work in slideshow mode when you set the delay between slides to 60seconds or more.

Nor does the timer work. I bought this model specifically for the timer. If you're looking for a bare-bones frame that plays photos, it's not bad, but it's clearly faulty - quality control is obviously not a priority. I purchased this as a Christmas gift; when I set it up, I was very disappointed in the resolution.

I use a professional Canon, digital camera and Adobe Photoshop software. With this combination, I can enlarge small portions of pictures to at least 8 by 10 inches and produce high-quality, detailed, sharp pictures. Those same pictures look terrible on this product. I will be returning it. While we strive to always offer the lowest prices in the industry, some of our manufacturers place restrictions on how prices are advertised on our website.

I had to return 2 of the Pandigital Novel units to get one that worked, but I really like the unit. It is going to be my back up for reading. The shorter battery life is a drawback, but when I got a working unit it ran better that I expected for the price. I might someday hack it to run the Kindle app, but for now I like what it does. My wifi connection was great and ran as smooth as my netbook.

If you want an extra reader, I think this is a good option. You get the phone stuff but a big enough screen running on current technology and then using the Android OS. Then you get the cell phone company subsidizing the thing. Sooner or later someone will probably create a 2. Even in 4 or 5 months when better tablets are released, I should still be able to sell this thing for close to what I paid for it.

Time will tell if it addresses the annoying WiFi — seem to have to keep reconnecting, when all other devices laptop, netbook, Wii have no problem. This is one of the frequent uses for us, displaying the weather! As a reader, it is still slow to turn pages. The last version update to ADE happily wiped out my entire library and associated notes and bookmarks; recovering those from my backup drive required some technical skills which would be beyond most casual users.

IMO, Digital Editions is far from stable or reliable. Fixed by restarting the browser. I also own a 3rd gen ipod touch. Maybe for really casual users who are willing to put up with it, or hackers willing to tinker, it may be ok.

Your assessment was right on. It feels like a pogo stick or toy. It was typing in the letter above it. IS this a problem on all of the pandigitals just that one? I went ahead and took it back, but after looking at the other choices available I am rethinking- IF I find out the keyboard glitch was on my only or a problem with the device altogether.

It worked really fast- Does anyone know if or when they will be able to upload android apps? So this kid goes and buys a Pandigital, turns around and hacks the device voiding the warranty on the product. Now he returns the Pandigital for a refund, the retail store that sold him the Pandigital should be ashamed of themselves I know if he would have purchased it from one of my stores he would still own it. So my point here is This kid buys this; hacks destroys it and people are to believe one word this kid says.

Wake up people you are listing to the next generation of our prison population. Very sad!!!! The update transfers to the Pandigital, but freezes when attempting to load the new firmware. Anyone else with this problem? Then put it down and go drink a Coke, when you come back it should be all done and up and running. Worked for me the first time. The only glitch was the update file zip , for the unanointed, the Micro chip is very small, smaller than a camera chip and is 1 Gig and while it needs MB to load, you should have something like MB unless you have loaded a ton of books.

Point being that most folks do not have a micro to mini adapter. What I did was load it to my flash drive from my desktop PC, then carried the flash to my local wizard and had him copy from the flash, through his laptop to the micro chip Easy for him, impossible for me.

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