How old is zion matrix

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If you buy something from a Polygon link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. For anyone scratching their head trying to remember what happened at the end of Revolutions , and how those events might offer a clue to what happened leading up to The Matrix Resurrections , now seems like a pivotal time to reconsider a look back. While en route to the city, Neo and Trinity are ambushed by Bane, a human resistance fighter assimilated by Agent Smith during the events of The Matrix Reloaded.

Neo fights Bane, and in the process is blinded by an exposed power cable during the scuffle. The Logos manages to make it into the city, but Trinity is fatally wounded upon arrival, leaving Neo on his own.

Neo meets with the machine leader, proposing a truce between the humans and the machines on the condition of defeating their mutual enemy, Agent Smith, who poses an immediate threat to both the Matrix and the Real World. Neo ultimately defeats Agent Smith, but his fate is left up to question; we see his body cradled on a hovering barge which subsequently carries him into the Machine City.

Directed by the Wachowski siblings , the Matrix trilogy was released from to and became a pop-culture touchstone by combining cyberpunk aesthetics, distinctly choreographed fight scenes, and heady philosophy. The Matrix 4 will continue the series, although filming complications resulting from COVID have pushed the release date to The Matrix films only show the exploits of Neo, Trinity, Morpheus, and their cohorts, but some of the lore makes it clear that many of the events are reiterative, happening over and over, unbeknownst to most of humanity.

Chief among these is the repeating prophecy of the One, orchestrated by the Machines and the Architect in particular to create a messianic vessel for the dissenting beliefs of the humans who have rejected the Matrix.

The One, vested with this authority, is led inevitably to the Architect, where they are given the choice of saving Zion by killing the billions of people in the Matrix or saving the majority of humanity by destroying Zion and rebooting the Matrix. For Neo, this happens in The Matrix Reloaded.

The One was presented with this choice five times previously, each time deciding to destroy Zion. Neo allows the inevitable to happen, unbalancing the equation, thereby giving the machines control of Smith through Neo's jacked in body.

Neo-Smith is destroyed by the machines, then all the other Smiths are destroyed, leaving programs he previously took over lying on asphalt, 'free' again. Smith is defeated, and the Matrix reloads to version 7, with Zion persisting this time. Smith has taken over Neo, fulfilling his only purpose, and unbalancing the equation. He's also directly connected to the machine mainframe through Neo's body. Neo's body is carted away by the machines to assimilate his code into the mainframe.

There is now a fragile peace between humans and machines. The machines, through the Architect, agree that minds that want to be freed will be. Zion will persist, with all their memories of what has happened.

Humanity will begin to rebuild, freeing minds from the Matrix in manageable numbers. And to support that, in the last scene in The Matrix Revolutions, we see The Architect speaking to The Oracle about the dangerous game she played. She responds that, "Change always is. The Architect is being literal. He has wiped out the population of Zion before, and is poised to do it again. He explains to Neo that the purpose of The One is to perpetuate the cycle.

To that end, Neo is expected to select a number of people from the Matrix to free, and is told that they will become the foundations of the next Zion. The Architect: The function of the One is now to return to the Source, allowing a temporary dissemination of the code you carry, reinserting the Prime program, after which you will be required to select from the Matrix 23 individuals - 16 female, 7 male - to rebuild Zion. Failure to comply with this process will result in a cataclysmic system crash, killing everyone connected to the Matrix, which coupled with the extermination of Zion will ultimately result in the extinction of the entire human race.

So this batch of Matrix refugees will be destroyed, but a new group will be freed and brought by "The One" to this underground haven, no doubt explained to them as a remnant of the war -- indeed, the scars from the battle will still be evident -- and given their mission to seek out others in the Matrix that are capable of expanding their minds sufficiently to be unplugged.

He gives them everything they need to begin, and then promises his eventual return to give them hope and a salvation for their labors. This mirrors Morpheus' explanation for how the story of his Zion was founded.

Zion is in the Matrix. That is why Neo has powers to destroy the machines on the way to the machine city. Also Neo is actually in hell, he is a criminal, and he wakes up in a hell hole They lead him astray. Like it or not Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

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