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I thought you know me already. You renew your entrance card every month. He do that every day; every other day is quite enough. I listen to all this? You Shake hands with him whenever you meet him. You hurry. I wake him up because he is used to getting up early in the morning. Fill in the blanks with must, need or have to: I put my fur coat on? No, you , if it isnt too cold for you. You shout. I can hear you all right. I meet them at the station? Yes, you ; they dont know how to get here.
I finish the experiments now? Yes, you ; I the results this very afternoon. You will cook your own meals when you move to Bucharest, but youwash the linen yourself, you can take it to the laundry. You light your cigarette in a petrol station. Translate and comment on the meaning: Anul acesta am ore dimineata; in fiecare zi trebuie sa fiu la facultate la ora Trebuie sa semnam actele maine dimineata si, apoi, sa participam la conferinta de presa.
Trebuie ca a fost foarte suparat de faptul ca nu ai fost suficient de rezonabil in luarea deciziei. Trebuie sa plec imediat daca vreau sa ii ajung din urma. Va trebui sa-l determin sa isi ia pastilele la timp daca vrea sa se faca bine. Crezi ca va trebui sa merg si eu cu tine? Trebuie sa-ti marturisesc ca nu-mi face nici o placere. Mai este nevoie sa-ti spun ca nu ai voie sa pleci daca nu iti reinnoiesti pasaportul? Ar trebui sa-ti vezi de treburile tale daca nu vrei sa fii ocolit de toata lumea.
Nu era nevoie sa cheltuiesti atat de mult pe haine; ai un dulap plin. N-a fost nevoie sa ii traduc ce se vorbeste; spre surprinderea mea, vorbea romana foarte bine. Mark poate sa vina in orice moment; ar fi trebuit sa fie acasa deja.
Copiii sub saisprezece ani nu pot participa la aceste curse de masini. Pasagerii zborului se vor prezenta la punctul de control imediat dupa aterizare. Probabil ca se simte bine cu vechii ei prieteni daca nu simte nevoia sa-si faca altii noi. Nu se poate sa se intoarca azi daca s-a oprit in Sibiu. De ce a Stiati ca nu era nevoie ba, mai mult, nu aveati voie s-o faceti. A spus ca a facut ce trebuia sa faca. Va trebui sa astepti aici pana se intoarce secretara; cineva trebuie sa raspunda la telefon.
SHALL Forms: Shall for present tense, all persons, should for past tense, conditional and subjunctive moods, all persons. Will appears to have gained ground at the expense of shall: Tomorrow I shall start working on my doctoral thesis. Next September I shall have been a teacher for 22 years.
EPISTEMIC SHALL By expressing simple futurity or prediction as we have seen it does , with epistemic shall the speaker makes a present inference with a high degree of probability or expresses uncertainty about a potential case in relative clauses: He shall be mad about that. Ann shall be a student next fall. Permission to join the society will be granted only to persons who shall observe its regulations. Epistemically, shall also occurs in hypothetical condition or concession clauses: If you shall ever decide you want to do it, just let me know.
Whoever shall come, we have to welcome him. Alternating in use with recurrency will, shall is felt as somehow obsolete: A self-centred, selfish person shall see no reason to worry about the sick and the poor. The latter has 2nd person subjects and is the most productive paradigm. Consequently, a distinction is made between internal volition, presupposing the coincidence of the person who wants something with the syntactic subject of the sentence, and external volition, implying a different person from the one who is the subject of the sentence.
In its deontic use, shall expresses constraint, necessity or obligation imposed by the speaker. Internal volition, with the speaker as both origin and goal of the constraint, expressing his determination to perform a certain action 1st person resolutions with shall seem to be the result of deliberation or deeply rooted feeling, whereas with will they are sensed to be formed under the impression of the moment :.
I shall not give up my beliefs, not even for you. You can give him the loan and he shall pay you back in due time I guarantee that, I make myself responsible for. External volition: with 2nd and 3rd person subjects, shall represents the speaker as determined to bring something about or prevent it: - in the 1st person, interrogative, it points to the interlocutors volition: Lets go now, shall we? What shall we do now? Shall I get you a cup of tea or something?
We shall not hear any of your nonsense. Any one of you who shall break the rule shall be sanctioned accordingly. They shall pay dearly for what they did. You shall have my full support. We strongly request that no one shall leave the town without letting us know.
You shall not leave the room unless asked to do so. You shall not talk to anybody! SHOULD To analyse should as the past form of shall is to reduce to a minimum the large variety of shades of meaning and functions that characterizes it. Functions: Should can be an auxiliary or a modal verb: 1. We hoped we should have been back by six. I should have told him hadnt I been so shy. I avoided her eyes lest she should feel embarrassed. If he should make a decision, Ill let you know. That they should have known about it and not utter.
How should I have imagined you would be so nuts. This should is weaker than epistemic must. When compared with inference will, should is felt to be slightly less confident: If we go out on such a rainy weather, we will get wet through.
Should is used as a past counterpart of both futurity and modal shall. I do not expect that he should ever grow up. In emotional questions, expressing surprise, indignation, joy: Isnt it surprising that they should be back so soon from their honeymoon?! Isnt it marvelous that everybody should have come to this celebration! How should I know about it?
No one told me anything! What should he come here for? Who should that marvelous woman be? Why should she have destroyed the evidence? I opened the envelope and what should I find but her picture? Should is used performatively when the speaker imposes the obligation sometimes prescribed by the moral code or social norms: duty, civility, propriety, what is thought as good, correct, right, just, sensible, reasonable, etc.
They shouldnt allow children to play unsupervised; its too dangerous. Close friends should stand by each other. When followed by the perfect infinitive of the complement verb, should indicates that a past duty or sensible activity was not performed, which causes criticism on the part of the speaker; shouldnt expresses the obligation not to have performed a certain activity: I should have stopped him from doing it.
You shouldnt have been so unsympathetic. As a subjunctive equivalent, deontic should occurs in that-clauses after predicates expressing a constraint derived from someones volition, wish, desire; it is used after: Adjectives: imperative, important, necessary, essential, vital, un desirable, un wise, better, right, etc. Command, urge, etc.
It is recommended that all applicants should read the instructions before filling in the forms. I insist that we should talk it through before letting them know. It is your fathers last wish that you should marry Jane. He urged that the conference should be held in Romania. Should also appears in clauses of consequence introduced by that: Who are you that you should judge another?
What has she done that we should treat her like that? Shouldnt you be there already? Offers and invitations: Should I get you something to eat? Should we dine out tonight? Requests for instructions, advice, orders: Should I mix the ingredients now or after they have been kept in the fridge? Should I take the pills between meals? Recommendations, advice notice that with had better the advice is immediate, whereas with should it is more general : You should give up coffee if you know your blood pressure is too high.
Disapproval, reprimand: You shouldnt use such foul words. Expressions of disbelief or surprise: How strange that they should meet again after twenty years. Expressions of doubt, uncertainty, perplexity: Could it be true that she should have been hiding for such a long time?
Name the various concepts expressed by shall in the following sentences; add your examples: We shall arrive tomorrow by the 3 p. Shall we be back in time for tea? He said I was not to go, but I certainly shall. He says he wont go, but I Shall the boy wait? Ships shall not sail out of the harbour without carrying three lights.
Old traditions and customs shall not die! Who shall describe their surprise? You shant have any of these! You shall pay for everything you did to her! If he comes I shall speak to him. All the scientific papers shall be completed by the end of the semester. Whatever he shall do, we have to stand by him. You shall love and comfort and cherish him till death tears you apart.
Thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal. Who will marry in haste shall repent at leisure. This book is sold condition that it shall not be lent, resold or hired out without the publishers consent.
What shall I tell him now? Name the various concepts expressed by should in the following sentences; add your examples: I shouldnt have believed it if I hadnt seen it with my own eyes.
How about your boyfriend? Shouldnt he be here with you? Why should you be different from the rest of them? How should I know that if no one tells me anything? Its very strange that he should have asked you to move in with him because I know he is married. You should mind your own business instead of sticking your nose where it doesnt belong. The match should be over by now, so I think they will soon be home; we should have dinner after all. Should it be wet, I should stay at home. Who is he that he should order people round?
Should I talk to him and explain your situation? Can it be true that she should have left her husband and children for her tennis coach? The guests should be coming any minute now.
They shouldnt have phoned because we were expecting them anyway. Translate, do not forget to use the two modals and name the concepts expressed by them: Venim maine cu trenul de Ce sa fac ca sa-i fiu pe plac?
Sa inteleg ca proiectul nostrum nu te atrage? Iti spun eu ca am sa bat recordul la viteza maine. Are s-o faca daca ii spun eu. Acest regulament ramane in vigoare pana in septembrie.
Daca te incapatanezi sa lasi ocaziile sa treaca pe langa tine, vei avea doar de pierdut. Accidentele se intampla. Permisiunea de a parasi cladirea se va acorda doar persoanelor care au buletinul asupra lor. Oricine ar veni in seara asta, spune-i ca nu sunt in dispozitie de oaspeti.
O persoana aroganta ca el nu va avea nicicand aproape de inima interesul public. De unde sa stiu eu ce avea el sa faca dupa ce s-a intalnit cu tine? Daca a spus asa ceva, trebuie ca are toate datele. Stiam ca il voi revedea intr-o zi. L-a amenintat ca nu va capata nici o zi libera daca nu munceste cu tragere de inima. De ce-ai fi nemultumit de viata pe care o duci?
E de necrezut ca a publicat articolul fara acordul persoanei intervievate. E absolut firesc ca el sa nu nege ce a facut. Daca s-ar intampla sa dau peste articolul de care ai nevoie, am sa te anunt. Nu e minunat ca sunteti impreuna si puteti sa sarbatoriti nunta fiului vostru! Ce-a facut ca sa-l tratezi cum ai facut-o? Make sentences and use shall and should as part of a subjunctive equivalent. Use shall and should in indirect speech acts. WILL To discuss the meanings and uses of will and shall is an extremely difficult task because they are used with many shades of meaning and their three major functions expressing an inference, indicating futurity, and signaling a constraint are often blended and hard to distinguish one from the other.
Any attempt at a methodical treatment of the problems involved is still open to exception and fail to give satisfaction. The English future is said to be one of the most controversial and illunderstood linguistic phenomena. Jespersen concluded: English has no real future tense Lakoff, L. Consequently, many studies adopt the view that will and shall are not mere future-tense signals but genuine modals which may also be used for futuretime reference.
Palmer, following Jespersen, distinguishes four uses of will which he deals with under the separate heading of: volition; power; habit; epistemic. Ioana Stefanescu in English Morphology, vol. II, part II, The Nominal and Verbal Categories, discusses Palmers analysis of will with the declared intention of reducing the explanation of the four identified uses to one core sense.
The different interpretations will be contextual extensions of the respective core sense. The following example is an instance when the source of constraint is the subjects determination or obstinate insistence: If you will act like a fool, dont count on me to help. Will may denote various degrees of volition: a a weak degree of volition vague willingness, unpremeditated intention, simple futurity , often contracted to ll: Someones ringing. Ill get it.
Youll understand my doubts and reservations, Mr. What do you think about that? Well, Ill tell you. I dont think itll work. Ill see you soon, later, tomorrow, etc. Ill be hanged if I know. I will buy the house if you think it is worth.
Ill ask her to marry me. No one shall prevent me. In the negative form, non-volition is almost equivalent to refusal, as in: She loves him and she wont leave him. He will not be commanded. I wont stand such nonsense. Determination is also expressed by phrases like be determined, be bent on, set ones heart on, etc. You may say what you will, I stand on my own rights. Remarks Deontic will with 1st person subjects conveys, according to the context, a promise or a threat.
In questions, we should distinguish between: a questions in the 1st person, especially in idiomatic English: Will you send it, my dear? Will I send it? Is that your wish? Contextually, will you can be the mild form of an imperative like: Will you sit down for one moment? There are even politer ways of making a request, when further markers of politeness are used: Will you be good enough to? Will you kindly? Will you like to?
A great many things if you will come away somewhere where we can talk. If determination or intention is meant, want must be used in these conditional clauses: If you want to smoke, you must go into another carriage. Will the ice bear? EPISTEMIC WILL In this interpretation will is used relative to the system of rational laws and the evidence has direct bearing on the truth of the sentence; in such sentences will does not express futurity but is similar to the inferential use of must; yet, on the epistemic scale, will is further from certainty than must: This will be the tower of London I suppose.
He is waiting for us downstairs; he will be wandering where we are. He will probably hunt her down for what she did to him. Antinucci and Parisi claim that will is neutral with respect to time distinction. If the speaker wants to make a prediction, he will make use of a time marker time adverbial, the progressive aspect, etc.
Actually, there are sentences containing epistemic will which are ambiguous between the two readings inference or prediction ; the reader interprets them as inferences about the present or predictions about the future according to the time location he assigns to the state of affairs: He will tell the truth a why dont you talk to him?
Perhaps you will have heard the news, as everybody is talking of it. This interpretation is suited to scientific and quasi-scientific statements: If litmus paper is dipped into acid it will turn red.
The Dean will make a decision tomorrow. Notice that the present inference may concern a past circumstance in which case will is followed by a perfect infinitive: Well, its hard to talk about it, but you will have heard about her divorce by now.
According to Poutsma , will can be used to state that, given certain empirical circumstances, a situation regularly, frequently or occasionally takes place or manifests itself as the consequence of a natural tendency in a person or object. This will generally occurs in statements about what has been observed at all times and the subject is usually a pro noun in the 3rd person: Boys will be boys.
A cat will often play with a mouse before she kills it. People will talk; theres no preventing it. Notice that will is often omitted in cases like those above, the present tense being used instead: She dressed up smartly as models do. Less frequently, however, in the boulomaic use, it is the event not the modality that is negated: I wont ask for details. This doesnt mean that I am unwilling or I refuse to, but that I am willing not to ask.
With epistemic will it is the situation that is negated: He wont be rewarded. This wont be solved till next week. As already shown with 2nd person subjects, will is usually interpreted as subject-oriented and, so, suggesting request.
Thus Will you come to the party tonight? I asked him and he would come is not acceptable. For past accomplishment be willing to is, according to Palmer, the most likely candidate: I asked him and he was willing to come. Would is traditionally regarded as the past tense form of will, but more recent studies consider it a modal verb in its own right, with epistemic and deontic values. The apparent past tense morpheme may signal, besides past time in reported speech , tentativeness, hypothesis, counterfactuality.
The past marked would may be the past equivalent of epistemic will in reported or past time-sphere statements, indicating: a a prediction about the future made from a past moment: He said he would be late for work but we insisted he should stay a little longer.
She promised she would come by the next day. Remember that this construction is called future-in-the-past b an inference whose time-sphere coincides with the past time-sphere of the state of affairs described: I was ready to leave as I knew my friends would be waiting for me at the restaurant. Note that when the inference refers to a circumstance prior to the past timesphere of the inference, would is followed by a perfect infinitive: I knew that the article had been published two months before, so she would have read it.
He claimed that those shoes would last a lifetime. Would may also be the past counterpart of deontic will to denote: a an intention unpremeditated intention, often contracted to d : He heard someone crying and said hed go and see who it was.
She said she wouldnt come with me as she had nothing new to wear. They would buy that terribly expensive car though we advised them not to. As hard as I might have tried, the engine wouldnt start. This may be the reson why would is felt as more polite: This would appear to support his argument.
Epistemic would expresses a weaker probability than will, a more tentative inference, but still belonging to the present time-sphere: This would be the critic who tormented the whole critical stage. If he would be treated nicely, he must treat people nicely himself.
Id rather she didnt get the custody of the child. If it hadnt been for the rain, we would have been gone by now. Would you mind not speaking so loud in here? Would it be all right if I? You wouldnt mind if I left earlier today, would you? Youd better turn off the TV and start studying.
I will give you that you are the most insistent person Ive ever met. These appear to be statements of the speakers intention to perform a particular illocutionary act at some point in the future but, in fact, the intended actions are carried simultaneously.
I would define this as revolting. The function of would here is once more to soften the possible unkindness or bluntness of the direct speech act. As a full verb, will can be defective or regular: a defective verb: It shall be as you will. Say what he will, I still cant believe he got the job. A voi nu este acelasi lucru cu a dori You must will to get better. Trebuie sa si vrei sa te faci bine He who wills success is half way to it. A lasat prin testament sotiei tot ce avea 2.
As an auxiliary: a to form the future and the perfect future 2nd and 3rd persons sg. He will have learned the news by then. I wont tell her that; I simply cant. We will see to it, dont worry. As a modal verb: a it preserves the idea of insistence even in cases when the notion of future is gone: She will drop things when people sleep.
Intotdeauna scapa lucrurile din mana cand lumea doarme For all my advice you will have it your way. Accidents will happen. Blood will tell. Sangele apa nu se face c it is used in an invitation or a polite request 2nd pers. Wont you sit down? If they will look after our children, well be able to paint the house ourselves.
You will have met them. Oil will float because its lighter than the water. As a defective full verb, meaning a voi, a dori, a-i place cuiva , it is used in the past tense, the future-in-the-past, the subjunctive, the conditional: She asked me to forget about the past, but I wouldnt.
Ne-au asigurat ca va fi asa cum vom dori This is the place where I would spend the rest of my life. De-ar fi adevarat! As an auxiliary: a to form the future-in-the-past and the future perfect-in-the-past 2nd and 3rd persons sg. By the time she told you about the case, I would have solved it. I asked her not to worry because we would see to it. On Sunday morning, they would go to church to pray for their mothers health.
We would have given a quick reply if we had known all the details. Ar fi trebuit sa-mi spui with You would have told me. As a modal verb: a to express offers or very polite requests b it is used in conditional clauses to introduce a request: If you would coach me for my exam, I might get through this time.
He never spends money on books. No, he wouldnt. I told her to wait for you at the station so that you wouldnt feel neglected. Open navigation menu. Close suggestions Search Search. User Settings. Skip carousel. Carousel Previous. Carousel Next. Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He have left it here last night. Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking.
I believe she said that to Megan! She insult her cooking in front of everyone at the party last night. She have just said she was full or had some salad if she didn't like the meal. Do you chew with your mouth open like that?
Geez, it's making me sick watching you eat that piece of pizza. Scarlett's body was found in the lounge just moments ago, and it's still warm! Nobody has left the mansion this evening, so the killer be someone in this room. It be any one of us!!! Ted: I don't know why Denise starting crying when I mentioned the wedding. Pamela: It have been what you said about her brother.
Or, perhaps she is just nervous. After before all, the big you day is tomorrow. It be lying around here somewhere. Where it be? I be at the meeting by I will probably take a taxi if I want to be on time. You submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. Check that the name, address, and background information are correct.
If the form is not accurate and complete, sent you will be rejected and you will reapply at a later date. Tina: Look at these flowers - they're beautiful! But, there's no card. Who could have Stephanie: It have been David. He's the only one who would send you flowers. You forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.
You be so rude! Why don't you try saying "please" once in a while. If you are over 18 in California, you take a driver training course to get a driver's license.
You can have a friend or a family member teach you instead. But remember, you penny hundred Lilly: miles That still get your to to have the cost permit before their nearest a you start practicing. You be rich to be a success. Some of the most successful people I know haven't got a 8. Ed: My car broke down in Death Valley last week. I have it towed more than a. While hiking in Alaska, you keep an eye out for bears.
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