Why is juicystar07 sick
Just like Shane, Jake started the segment by driving in his car while nervously explaining what he's about to do before arriving at his ex's house and picking her up.
The similarities weren't lost on Shane and Blair. In the end, Shane just thinks Jake was a little too blatant with how he swiped his idea. But what got me was the thumbnail and the things he said, like, 'Oh, I'm nervous I'm the same with the chewing. I have to eat something while anyone else is eating to block out the sound. I have the exact same problem as fact 5!!!
I thought i was the only one, my mom and sister get sooooo mad at me for it but I just can't stand it! I literally plug my ears when they are chewing cause it annoying's me sooo much! Once in fifth grade we were eating inside cause it was raining and I had pizza rolls for lunch and every one was chewing so loud and I felt so disgusted I barfed in the cafetirea on the floor! I was soooooooooooo embarresed!!!!! But I am glad I am not the only person in the world with that problem! I litterally cannot stand people that make noise when they chew!!
I just feel like I'm going to go mad listening to that horrible noise! I read in a book that cats can actually heal by purring. I get what you mean here is a link to mine i also believe in the whole 6th sense thing by bird always nows when someone is sick or going to get sick even if she hasnt seen them all day and will protect them. WOW Blair! I can't believe fact 2! I usually TRY not to smack them Hey Blair Anyway here are my five random facts : Hope you leave a comment and if you want to follow that would be awesome too.
And the whole e coli thing.. I just posted a 5 random facts blog. I've always wanted to do one but I just never have. You inspired me to post one. Ahh i love cooking. Like having dinner parties tehe. I especially love having tea parties with cupcakes I was youtubing and came across one of your videos on the main page, usually I see a pretty face I'll click to see what its about.
Usually after about 20 seconds I'll close the window from the dreadful commentary, but for some reason I watched the whole thing about "Inexpensive Prom Makeup Tutorial" and I'm a guy.
It helps that you're Gorgeous and have great facial bone structure, but you have this knack for keeping people glued when you're in front of the camera.
You seem very at ease like a pro, and many youtube people even after a while don't have the rapport you got. Keep your options open I think you'll be a great actress or makeup artist in no time flat.
Also I like how detailed and organized you are I'm a little ocd myself when it comes to clutter , even when talking about make-up - you're step by step and to the point so that anyone could do it obviously with lot of practice I know I seem to be kissing ss but I'm just amazed at how mature you are being a teenager and all, plus you and your sis have your own online biz.
I just have two questions, are you from the Southern United States? Are you a little bit of a techie, your webcam, pc and your iphone you even know how many GBs it has? Most girls your age are like pixie sticks too much sugar and not much character, So I say bravo and keep it up.
Ummm, I know your probably gonna hate me, but I'm honestly just curious, so Don't freak out and get annoyed please: what IS your first given birth name? I said it! I sincerely apologize if my question annoys or irritates you. I honestly don't mean to and it's Totally Fine if you don't answer. I will still love you and you will still be one of my favorite and most talented Makeup Gurus on Youtube, no matter what your name is.
As I said before I'm just genuinely curious. Anyways Keep up the good work and I wish you many more succeses in your life! PS: I think Blair is a great name :. I also can't stand chewing.. I can never eat with my family in the dining room because it makes me wanna rip my hair out like it does you..
I can't stand it.. I know how it is, even when we have like family dinners when all my aunts, uncles and everyone comes together and they all start chewing.. Chewing never used to bother me, but know Ican just hear it its horrible! I did the tag so heres my blog! I love reading your blog, Blair! Your writing is really entertaining: I thought I would write up my own 5 facts on my blog for you and anyone else who wants to check them out!
Well, very interesting! I did the TAG, too. Here's my blog: glitterfox. You cannot stand it either?! Being in a family with 3 boys im always ticked off at dinnner. I tell them to stop its gross and what do you think they do Five random facts about me: 1. Plus I hate messes! I'm in love and addicted to sunflower seeds, flavour Tijuana from "Pipas G", a brand we have in Spain. I just sleep with the upper part of the pijamas. I can't sleep with something covering my legs that are not the blankets.
Luckily, I've heard this is really good for circulation and for prevent future veins popping out of your skin, you know I bought a pair of jeans in December that fitted me well and a month later they suddenly were like two more sizes Funny thing, it says "slim fit" in the tag" 5. The weather totally influences my mood. We've been like a month without seeing the sun here and I really didn't feel like doing anything You're so cute, Blair.
I love your videos, and I've had fun reading your blog. I have the same problem as you. People smacking, or even chewing drives me insane. Especially with chips. I can't even be around my husband when he eats chips. It's the worst. I love that you started a blog! That easier for me to follow than youtube since I'm on here more. Keep blogging! Do you actually have OCD? You've mentioned it before but a lot of people use it as an expression that doesn't really mean anything.
I've read that cats have special disease-sensing powers though. Like there was one cat at nursing home who would lie on people's beds and shortly after they would die! I know, creepy right? I can't stand listening to people chew either! It grosses me out!!! When i go to fast food restaurants with my boyfriend I have to turn up the music in the car so I can't hear him chew.
Otherwise I will loose my appetite and want to throw up. I'm a long-time subscriber of your videos username: bearseries , and I can't believe all this time I didn't know you like to cook!
Hi Katrina! Fact 3 is very interesting! LOL Trying to guess your real first name! Don't be mad! I blair I started a blog today.. I always write to you on twitter or on you tube but I never get an answer so please check my blog.. I hope everything will be fine on your interview tomorrow Anyway, I also have the same pet peeve. I absoulutely hate the sound of chewing and slurping! I thought it was just me, so I'm relieved that its not! I thought I was the only one!!!! I hate when I hear people chewing loudly, smacking thier gums..
OMG the chewing, slurping, and crunching makes me want to freakkkkkkkkkkk. Oh my goodness I cannot stand chewing either! Chewing, smacking their lips. Smacking their lips especially. Its like, get some water or use some chapstick! I sucked on a binky until I was in first grade too. I don't remember what made me stop using them, but for the longest time I always had one in my mouth, and I had a stash of them too haha. Maybe I have OCD or a form of it. Things that make you go "hmm" hahaha.
Those are funny. My favorite is the cat one. I still watch videos from time to time but lately I've been unsubscribing to so many people and watching less and less videos.
Like you said it's basically all the same. When I first started watching videos they were fun and all the "gurus" I was watching were different and fun. Now if I'm lucky there might be new videos for me to watch, all the videos are plain boring now it's just hauls and fake reviews. So to make a long story short I don't have any favorites.
Joined Feb 28, Messages 12, Reaction score Michelle Phan Can't stand those two. Joined Jun 28, Messages 12 Reaction score 0. I don't have a top 5 but I really like xteener.
I like her because she's more real, doesn't wear a whole lot of makeup, no circle lenses, etc. Michelle pham is ok. I think she puts on too much makeup, but she is a pretty girl. Joined May 18, Messages Reaction score Kandeeeeee Johnson for sure Joined Feb 19, Messages Reaction score 0. I like Emilynoel87, JLovesMac1 the best. Joined Jun 15, Messages 26 Reaction score 0. I love DulceCandy87, she's so sweet and her tutorials and hauls are amazing.
It's also the same with your information. If the things that has been posted on here has been found via Facebook then it's not illegal to post them on here either since they're already public information. Do your research before you accuse people of breaking the law. Your being a fag. Publicar un comentario.