When was digital imaging invented
A scanner reads the image information by scanning the plate with a laser beam of near-red wavelengths to form digital image.
Contrast resolution is an important parameter in the diagnostic accuracy of caries detection. Software allows image manipulation by applying specific filters to detect carious lesions. For periodontal diagnosis, the high resolution of intraoral radiography helps the visualization of the bony supporting tissues, including small details such as periodontal ligament space, lamina dura, and bony trabecularization.
Serial radiographs with identical geometric projection and exposure settings can be subtracted using digital subtraction radiography. This allows for qualitative evaluation by underscoring small changes such as caries progression, periapical lesions, or even quantitative evaluation of periodontal bone loss.
It is also helpful in postsurgical follow-ups of lesions with high recurrences. In digital imaging, image quality may be interactively manipulated after image acquisition, i. Filtering of the digital image may result in a reduction of blur of structure boundaries. Diagnostic accuracy of the detection of carious lesions is increased by digital contrast enhancement and filtering. Measurements of length, angle, and area can be made on a digital image. Three-dimensional reconstruction of radiographic images is of importance for the diagnosis and treatment planning in malformations, trauma, tumor investigation, and surgery planning.
Low-pass spatial filtering smoothing reduces the image noise. However, it decreases image resolution. High-pass spatial filtering hardening enhances edges to create a crisper image, but with more noise. It facilitates the detection of boundaries of low-contrast regions. Diagnostic imaging began with the traditional X-ray, and it has adapted to the needs of humankind over time.
Digital radiography is a prime example of this evolution. Digital X-rays are among some of the most popular forms of imaging today due to their seamless integration with the digital world. To completely understand the benefits of digital X-rays, Windsor Imaging is describing the history of this digitally based medical technology.
In time, digital radiography would take modern medicine to new heights. Some of the important applications of image processing in the field of science, engineering, and technology include image sharpening and restoration, remote sensing, feature extraction, face detection, forecasting, optical character recognition, biometrics, medical imaging, optical sorting, augmented reality, virtual reality, video processing, microscope imaging, license plate recognition, lane departure caution, transportation, parking, transmission and encoding, machine vision, robotics, color processing, signature recognition, iris recognition, face recognition, forensics, automobile detection, fault detection, pattern recognition, military applications, and others.
Following subsection has been dedicated to an application of license plate recognition LPR with systematic methodologies. Here is an example of different tasks and phases for a system to recognize license plates from the front and rear of the vehicle [ 58 , 59 , 60 ].
Input to the system is an image sequence acquired by a digital camera that consists of a license plate and its output is the recognition of characters on the license plate.
The system consists of the standard four main modules in an LPR system which includes image acquisition, license plate extraction, license plate segmentation, and license plate recognition. The structure of the system is shown in Figure 1. The first task acquires the selected portion of the image i. The second task extracts the region that contains the license plate. The third task isolates the characters, consisting of letters and numerals, depending on the targeted License Plates.
The last task identifies or recognizes the segmented characters. Structure of the proposed system. Image acquisition: This is the first phase in an LPR system. This phase deals with acquiring an image by an acquisition method. In the LPR system, we need to use a high resolution digital camera to acquire the input image. License plate extraction: License plate extraction is a key step in an LPR system, which influences the accuracy of the system significantly.
This phase extracts the region of interest, i. License plate segmentation: License plate segmentation takes the region of interest and attempts to divide it into individual characters.
To ease the process of detecting the characters, the extracted plate is divided into independent images, each containing one isolated character with letters and numerals depending on the structure of the license plate.
It is proposed to have segmentation using two methods: Pixel Count and Horizontal and Vertical Projection. License plate recognition: The last phase in LPR system is to recognize the isolated characters. After splitting the extracted license plate into six images, the character in each image can be identified. There are many methods to recognize isolated characters; we suggest using Syntactic approach and Neural network approach. With the advent of fast and cheap machines, digital image processing has become a very highly demanded field of study and practice.
It provides solutions to various real-life applications in an economical way. Various techniques have been developed to build intelligent systems; many of them are in progress at various facilities internationally. This chapter has provided some introductory notes on image processing, its brief history, methodologies, tasks, software, and applications. When I was young and not a fool I did have use of such a tool The tool I had I'll show you now My best ideas it did allow.
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