How do you say 57 in french

I believe your website is great. Although the pronunciation given is not quite correct. French Language Blog. Thank you! Please check your inbox for your confirmation email. You must click the link in the email to verify your request.

Tags: French numbers , French telephone numbers , how to say phone numbers in French. Keep learning French with us! Try it Free Find it at your Library. Share this: Share. About the Author: Transparent Language Transparent Language is a leading provider of best-practice language learning software for consumers, government agencies, educational institutions, and businesses. Charissa: Hello. Rose: someone Actually, all the pronunciations are correct.

Jake Benin: Yes the french spelling is correct however the pronunciation given is not exactly the same. Adrianna: Had a huge project due today and this really helped! Thanks a bunch. Baher: I like French it is my most favorite language in the world. Georgia: I really enjoyed this page. Zed: helen For real Same. Response to Natalie: Yes you are right Natalie… but such things are often overlooked because this is just for beginners to get a sense of the language.

Je m'appelle Kathleen: Response to Natalie The error pointed out in the usage of hyphens in the number seventy-one is elemental and therefore extremely important. Daniel: I just noted one error: 71 is without hyphens. Daniel: I mean that 71 should be without hyphens. Madame Taylor: This is nice because my students and I would like to practice saying the numbers when they are pronounced by a French speaker. As an online teacher and fluent French speaker, I suggest to first master counting from and perfectly.

May of my students have also found this numbers practice page very useful. I recently reviewed some of the leading products for learning French. Counting in French can be a bit tricky. Even some advanced students struggle getting the numbers right. The key here is to really master one through twenty. From the twenties through the sixties you take your number, vingt 20 , for example and say vingt et un for The French numbers 20 through 59 are formed just like their English equivalents: the tens word vingt , trente , quarante , cinquante is joined by a hyphen to the ones word un , deux , trois , etc.

There is one difference: for 21, 31, 41, and 51, the word et and is required between the tens word and un , without hyphens. Listening practice: This free website is created with love and a great deal of work. If you love it, please consider making a one-time or monthly donation. You must log in to post a comment.

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