How can you vary torque
The ratio effective load safety factor of Trms and the rated torque of the servo motor TM is expressed by the formula below.
For this application, we require a motor with high positioning stop accuracy, which would be either stepper motors or servo motors. For a stepper motor , we would need to meet or exceed the following requirements.
With a torque, load inertia, and a speed value, we now have sufficient information for motor selection. However, there is another important criteria to consider in order to maintain long-term life. HINT: it has something to do with bearings. Please subscribe to receive new posts. Here's a motor sizing guide PDF that you can download and keep with you.
TIP : Is there an easier way to size motors? Use a motor sizing tool. FYI unit conversions are automatic with our motor sizing tools. Save your time for something else more important. Oriental Motor offers an extensive product line-up of about 50, different products that provide the optimal motion system. For over a century we have concentrated on technological advancement and product design improvement.
This emphasis is evident in the sophisticated devices that we market today. Oriental Motor's sales and service network is international, with offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Engineering Notes by Oriental Motor. TIP : Let's review first In , load torque is defined as the amount of torque constantly required for application and includes friction load and gravitational load.
Total Required Torque The total required torque is the sum of the load torque and acceleration torque as shown below with a safety factor to cover for what we don't know. Number of Operating Pulses A The number of operating pulses is expressed as the number of pulse signals that add up to the angle that the motor must rotate to get the load from point A to point B.
Operating Pulse Speed f2 Hz The operating pulse speed can be obtained from the number of operating pulses, the positioning time, and the acceleration deceleration time. Example: Calculation of Load Torque and Load Inertia In the following example, let's try to calculate load torque, load inertia, and acceleration torque using what we've learned so far.
Step 1: Load Inertia Calculate the load inertia for the screw, then the table and load separately, then add them up. Step 2: Load Torque Use the load torque equation for screws and fill in all the blanks for the variables. Step 4: Acceleration Torque Here's a common formula for acceleration torque for all motors.
TIP : How to tentatively select a motor based on load inertia For AC constant speed motors, AC speed control motors, and brushless speed control motors, you will need to look at the permissible load inertia values.
For closed-loop stepper motors, up to a inertia ratio is recommended. Step 5: Total Required Torque and Safety Factor Add up the load torque and acceleration torque for total required torque. TIP : Don't use maximum holding torque to size stepper motors For stepper motors, it's important not to use the "maximum holding torque" specification to select a motor since that is measured at zero speed and at full current. For this example, here's the calculation. Generally, a motor can operate at an effective load safety factor of 1.
Results For this application, we require a motor with high positioning stop accuracy, which would be either stepper motors or servo motors. Example: AGV. Recent Popular Categories.
Recent Posts. About Us. More Links. The force, F , applied to the ratchet as shown causes a tendency to rotate about point O. The force can be broken down into two components: a radial component, F rad , parallel to the ratchet handle that does not contribute to the torque, and a tangential component, F tan , perpendicular to the handle that does contribute to the torque.
The distance from point O to the point of action of F is described by the direction vector, r. The moment arm, l is the perpendicular distance between point O and the line of action of F. If we were to shorten the moment arm by applying the force closer to the head of the ratchet,the magnitude of the torque would decrease, even if the force remained the same.
Thus, if we change the effective length of the handle, we change the torque see equation 1. The D. That rotational energy is then used to lift things, propel things, turn things, etc When we supply the specified voltage to a motor, it rotates the output shaft at some speed. Applying motors that are oversized for an application results in unnecessary cost, as well as larger and heavier designs of the overall product.
Fortunately, custom motor suppliers can develop motors with optimized performance curves to precisely meet application requirements. This is done by changing the electromagnetic characteristics of the motor by altering either the wire size or the number of wire turns in the winding, or both.
More turns of smaller wire provides more torque and less speed where fewer turns of larger wire provides higher speed but less torque.
In some applications adding gearing to the motor output provides the ideal speed versus torque relationship while keeping the cost and size of the overall solution to a minimum. Speed: The speed of a motor is defined as the rate at which the motor rotates. The speed of an electric motor is measured in revolutions per minute, or RPM.
Torque: The torque output of a motor is the amount of rotational force that the motor develops. The torque of a small electric motor is commonly measured in either inch pounds in-lbs , Newton meters N-m or other directly converted units of measure.
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