Clay breaker how does it work

Now we're ready to go into the ground. Just tease those roots out a little bit. But I've also got some of the liquid clay breaker in there as well, just to finish the job. Fri pm, Rpt Sun pm. Video Player failed to load. Play Space to play or pause, M to mute, left and right arrows to seek, up and down arrows for volume.

Share Facebook Twitter Mail. It will take several months to get the full effect. You can also use worm farm liquid, weed tea or liquid manure, each diluted to the colour of weak tea. Add a handful of powdered gypsum to the bottom of the planting hole. Fill the hole with water and let it drain. Manually break up the clay in the planting hole, then plant and water in well.

Broadcast: Sat 5 Mar , am. Published: Sat 5 Mar , am. Transcript plus minus. Experts will tell you to dig in plenty of organic matter, which may be easier said than done. Is that the only solution? Clay consists of minute mineral particles that tend to cling tightly together. Because there are lots of them they have a big surface area which efficiently hangs on to water and nutrients. Hence clay soils are heavy and wet. Soils with larger particles have more air space and allow the passage of water more freely.

So if you can make the soil particles in a clay soil larger you improve drainage and the texture. One way of improving the texture of a clay soil is to add lime. This raises the pH of acid clay soils, making them more alkaline and in doing so it encourages clay particles to stick together in small clumps.

This results in larger particles and makes the soil more friable and easier to work. Lime is best applied in autumn as Vitax Granular Garden Lime which is scattered over the soil surface and left to do its work over winter. If you can rough dig the ground before application it is more effective. This method is particularly beneficial on the vegetable plot: most vegetables, especially brassicas grow more successfully on alkaline soil.

If you garden on acidic clay you are bound to get better results by liming the ground regularly. However you must not use it around ericaceous plants or any subjects that require acid soil. Vitax Clay Breaker is a well-known and long established soil conditioner for clay soil which does not affect the soil pH in the same way as Garden Lime, therefore it can be used anywhere, even among existing plants and on lawns after aeration. The combined action of Clay Breaker and winter frosts will give a good soil structure for spring planting.

Dig the soil over roughly and apply g per square metre 6 oz per square yard. Leave for one month after application, before re-working the soil. Heavy clay soils will benefit from repeat applications in the autumn and the following spring.

Apply at g per square metre 6 oz per square yard to the soil. Clay Breaker can be used in existing beds or prior to planting out. For best results apply at g per square metre 6 oz per square yard to the lawn in the autumn after spiking or hollow tining. To check if the product you require is in stock, please contact the retailer prior to visiting.

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Please contact your sites administrator if you believe this other user or machine has unauthorised access. This Website uses cookies to provide best user experience. Cookie Policy - Privacy Policy. Clay Breaker: Improves drainage and enhances soil warmth to encourage earlier cropping Will not damage soil pH Can also be used as an autumn top dressing on lawns Granulated for easy use around the garden, Clay Breaker can be used at any time of the year.

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