Why thrall chose garrosh
Frustrated, Garrosh made the journey to Thunder Bluff , and spoke with both Baine and Hamuul Runetotem about using shipments of water from Mulgore to rectify this problem. Though both Baine and the Archdruid were apprehensive to bow down to this demand, after some mutual haranguing Baine agreed to it.
Garrosh reiterated that as Warchief of the Horde, it fell to him to keep its people safe, and left. The shipments appeased Garrosh, and before long the people of Durotar had fresh water to drink.
Garrosh's attitude towards his tauren allies resulted in a number of them feeling alienated; some even going as far as to consider leaving the Horde over their chieftain's apparent passivity and Garrosh's increasing demands of the tauren people.
As Baine struggled with this, he also learned of quilboar raiding parties harassing the water supplies and killing the tauren people. Garrosh quickly discovered this, and once again made a trip to Thunder Bluff to confront Baine over it. While Baine was adamant that a peaceful solution to the situation was possible, Garrosh was outraged. He pointed out to Baine that the quilboar were attacking Horde lands and killing Horde citizens, and that he would not stand for either.
Garrosh ensured him that realistic action would be taken to remove the quilboar threat once and for all. Garrosh, together with a small regiment of 15 Kor'kron , stormed the quilboar tunnels and cut down phalanxes of the beasts.
As victory appeared near, the quilboar launched a massive-scale ambush and overwhelmed the Kor'kron regiment in the hundreds. Garrosh was backed into a corner, and while he was able to take down many more quilboar, the tide turned against him and was disarmed of Gorehowl. As things looked bleak, Baine, Hamuul and several of the Sunwalkers arrived to relieve the battle. After the High Chieftain assisted in dislodging Gorehowl from the tunnel wall, Garrosh and Baine fought off the quilboar and made their escape, arriving safely at the surface of the tunnels.
While Garrosh was too infuriated for words, Baine informed him that the quilboar had been lacking a water source too, and Hamuul created a river for them on the grounds that no more attacks were made against the tauren. The quilboar slunk away, and the Horde forces left triumphant. Baine ensured Garrosh that if the tauren people required aid again, they would inform him of it, and with that, he turned his back on the Warchief and led his people back to Thunder Bluff.
Having ignored good advice, severely underestimating his enemy, getting 15 elite warriors killed for nothing, and knowing that he has completely and thoroughly embarrassed himself in general, Garrosh traveled back to Orgrimmar via zeppelin without a word.
Despite their misgivings, Baine later reaffirmed his loyalty to the Horde that his father helped to shape. Shortly after the Cataclysm , [27] Garrosh personally led his troops into the neighboring borders of Ashenvale.
While his Warsong Clan had made considerable progress over the course of Warchief Thrall 's reign, it was a far cry from the ambitions that Warchief Hellscream desired to achieve. Garrosh planned to create a massive city in the heart of the forest, one with the potential to rival Orgrimmar in size and power. With rich minerals riped for the taking, and all of the tools needed to see his people grow, Garrosh surged viciously through the kaldorei ranks and cut a swathe of destruction straight to the Silverwing Outpost.
Having brought down a number of tamed proto-drakes and magnataur captives from Northrend that he domesticated by holding their young hostage, Garrosh planned to see his dreams of expansion realized. His attack on the Outpost resulted in a decisive Horde victory. Garrosh reflected on how the forest that gave his father such harsh resistance was falling, piece by piece, and wondered what the mighty Grom would have made of this triumph.
He concluded that not even Thrall could deny his prowess at this point, and would hail him as the champion of the orcish race and the entire Horde. Garrosh's plan was twofold - he had gained knowledge of a meeting between the leaders of the Alliance and striked at this point in order to lure out Tyrande Whisperwind.
As he had expected, the priestess arrived on the scene to relieve the waning sentinels, though the Horde unleashed the magnataur upon the Alliance's ranks. In the ensuing chaos, Tyrande was struck down and wounded by orc archers. Confident in a victory, Garrosh also took the fray. The battle was interrupted by the arrival of worgen reinforcements led by Varian Wrynn and Genn Greymane , who proceeded to fight back several magnataur.
On several occasions, Garrosh and Varian clashed and did battle; with both leaders matching each other's attack, blow by blow, and killing all who interfered with their duel. Though evenly matched at first, Varian eventually gained an advantage. Varian had been fighting with an in-explicit focus and unyielding vigor.
While Garrosh tired, Varian was still full of stamina, which allowed Varian to press on his attack. Garrosh was fought back at this point, and Varian succeeded in wounding him and disarming Gorehowl. A dying magnataur separated the two combatants, and Garrosh composed himself. He prepared to rush at Varian once more, though is held back by several Kor'kron ; urging Garrosh to retreat. Garrosh grudgingly complied, though not before swearing to kill Varian himself. Following the Cataclysm, Garrosh began to take a far more ferocious stance in his war with the Alliance - leading his forces in a rampage through Ashenvale in order to secure the much sought after supplies his people need.
His actions have caused the orcish people to avoid the famine that threatened Durotar prior to his ascension. He believed that if the blood of the selfish Alliance was required to give his people the essentials they need to exist, then so be it. Hellscream's ascension has been applauded by most orcs, who felt that his brash warrior instincts and unwillingness to negotiate for needed resources were more in tune with the true orc way.
Garrosh evicted the majority of non-orc races from central Orgrimmar, as he believed only the orcs possessed the strength to truly defend the city. Shortly after the Shattering, he created a new army — Garad'kra — to deal with the Horde's centaur incursion problems. Already distrustful of the other branches of the Horde, Garrosh has learned that the various leaders of these factions were more powerful than he had originally estimated.
Garrosh came into conflict with the Darkspear Chieftain, Vol'jin ; Garrosh's relationship with him breaking down in a similar manner to that of Cairne - culminating with Vol'jin threatening to kill him for his thirst for war. The fallout between Vol'jin and Garrosh has subsequently led to the mass exodus of the Darkspear trolls from Orgrimmar. Garrosh was shown an SI:7 emblem, and noted that he knew the meaning of this all too well. Garrosh's thin tolerance for the Forsaken was tested further after he ordered them to invade Gilneas , as the Horde needed a port in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Though Gilneas was initially conquered, the Gilneans were able to counterattack and push the Forsaken forces out of the city. Growing irritated, Garrosh sent his own forces to support the Forsaken, and a stalemate was reached. Garrosh later met with Lady Sylvanas Windrunner in Silverpine Forest , and was present during her demonstration of the Val'kyr 's great necromantic abilities.
Though the Forsaken were appeased enough by this solution to their plight as a people, Garrosh was disgusted. He dispensed High Warlord Cromush to "guard" Lady Sylvanas, and after an insulting exchange with her, left. Garrosh has also explicitly banned the use of the Forsaken blight , though weaker versions were considered acceptable. Garrosh dismisses Overlord Krom'gar. During the events of Ashenvale , a demon named Durak attempted to renew the orcs' dependence on fel-power.
Garrosh demanded his head for this transgression. Following Overlord Krom'gar 's assault in the Stonetalon Mountains , Krom'gar's corrupt general arranged the murder of several neutral druids studying in the Thal'darah Grove. Krom'gar used a massive bomb to completely eradicate the Grove, though Garrosh himself confronted him for these actions.
Quoting words he had heard from "a wise old war hero" , Garrosh grabbed Krom'gar by the neck, and hurled him off the ledge of Cliffwalker Post , causing him to plummet to his death. He was humbled by High Chieftain Cliffwalker 's talk of "mercy", and thanked him for this lesson. Garrosh later sent Warlord Bloodhilt to salvage the situation in the Southern Barrens. Garrosh personally spearheaded the assault into the Twilight Highlands , organizing an impressive air fleet to obliterate the Twilight's Hammer cult and claim the land for the Horde.
After giving an inspiring speech to this effect, Garrosh was informed of an Alliance fleet nestled below- and ordered his air support to destroy them. This backfired when - due to treachery from within - the Horde fleet was ambushed, undefended, by Deathwing and his twilight drakes. Although Garrosh was personally able to fend one such drake off, his ship itself suffered massive damage and fell into the ocean below. The remainder of the fleet suffered a similar fate, crashing down into the sea.
Garrosh himself was considered missing in action. Without Garrosh's direct leadership, the Horde turned to the neighboring Dragonmaw clan to strike up an alliance. After failed negotiations with their master, Overlord Mor'ghor , the Horde forces joined a Dragonmaw rebellion led by Warlord Zaela , successfully dethroning Mor'ghor and his fel orcs.
Garrosh, who had survived the crash, arrived at Dragonmaw Port and officially inducted Zaela and the Dragonmaw into the Horde. With the assault on the Highlands going well, Garrosh turned his attention inwards- and learned that the earlier ambush was a result of treachery at the hands of Sauranok the Mystic , who had thrown his lot in with the Twilight's Hammer. Garrosh quickly disposed of the treacherous Sauranok with the player's assistance. Garrosh has granted amnesty to any members of the Blackrock clan willing to swear him their allegiance.
One such orc, a formidable warrior named Malkorok , has become Garrosh's own bodyguard. Malkorok went about quieting dissent through intimidation, abduction and outright murder, and gained Garrosh's tacit approval to do so. Garrosh has also successfully blockaded Kalimdor, giving the Horde a succinct advantage at sea.
Perhaps most notably, Garrosh's newfound military might has allowed him to keep a far tighter leash on his more critical allies, such as the Darkspear and the tauren , whose people and land are most at risk of Garrosh's wrath should Baine or Vol'jin make any moves against him.
As such, the western Horde essentially found itself held hostage for its good behavior. With the Cataclysm over and the threat of Deathwing subsided, Garrosh has reinvigorated his plans for conquest. Garrosh aimed to forcibly expel the Alliance from Kalimdor, and claim the continent for the good of the Horde. He expressed this desire in a meeting with the other Horde leaders Baine Bloodhoof , Vol'jin , Sylvanas Windrunner , Lor'themar Theron , and Trade Prince Gallywix , along with Malkorok and Eitrigg , the only advisor remaining from Thrall's reign , much to the chagrin of the former three.
Garrosh intended to scour Theramore from the continent, and stunt the Alliance's military presence. With that done, he then aimed to take the night elves' land. Sylvanas took an issue with this, reasoning that the Alliance would strike at the Forsaken and sin'dorei in vengeance for Theramore, though Garrosh assured her that any Alliance retaliation would be dealt with.
Of his fellow leaders, Lor'themar was the only one who opted not to question Garrosh's goals or motives, Gallywix caring only so far as profit was concerned. Coupled with the regent lord's lack of sympathy towards Sylvanas, Garrosh developed something of a respect for Theron.
Nonetheless, Garrosh ordered all of the leaders watched, and Theron in particular after a loaded discussion with him about loyalty. Garrosh retained his desire for acknowledgment, believing his conquest of Theramore would earn him the respect of Baine and Vol'jin, who in turn would be rewarded for coming around.
Garrosh's plans for the isle went beyond what is common knowledge: Garrosh's agents gained knowledge of the Focusing Iris , and Garrosh ordered the blue dragon escorted protecting it to be slain, the Iris itself delivered to the warchief.
Garrosh also ordered the creation of another mana bomb , the formidable blood elf invention created by the Sunfury years before in Outland. The warchief spearheaded the attack on Northwatch , using it as a stepping stone to Theramore and an excuse for the gathered Horde warriors to have a glorious battle.
He was accompanied by Malkorok, Vol'jin, and Baine, along with Gallywix. Garrosh took note of the trade prince's eagerness, though was irritated that Sylvanas and Lor'themar were not present.
In Sylvanas's stead, Captain Frandris Farley and a Forsaken regiment arrived to represent her interests, while the Blood Knight Kelantir Bloodblade and two ships of blood elven warriors were sent on behalf of Lor'themar Theron and Halduron Brightwing. With each race of the Horde accounted for, Garrosh made quick work of Northwatch and marched on to Theramore. Garrosh's allies continued to express concern for the direction their Horde is heading in. While Garrosh refused to see anyone, reflecting on his looming victory, Baine called a small council to address the unsaid concerns brimming in the more moderate Horde's ranks.
Garrosh interjected this gathering, having been tipped off to the meeting's location, and angrily lashed out at his allies for daring to question him. Garrosh assured Baine and Hamuul that he was not Thrall, and wrote Thrall off as a weak "pacifist," blaming his predecessor for the Horde's problems.
He also backhanded Kelantir as she attempted to interject, though quickly composed himself, and told them that they were lucky their warchief was willing to overlook this deceit. Later, Baine and Vol'jin tried to convince Garrosh to move the army, only to be stunned by Garrosh's order - to have Horde ships pulled back.
Garrosh dispensed Malkorok to the front lines, who promptly led the Horde forces in skirmishes around Theramore Isle. Garrosh's spy, a Sunreaver mage named Thalen Songweaver ostensibly neutral , turned on Theramore's defenders and assisted the Horde in breaking into the city. With the help of Horde soldiers , Thalen was able to escape his predicament after being captured, and the true scope of Garrosh's plan was revealed. Garrosh ordered a full retreat, having pushed the Alliance into the center of Theramore.
The mana bomb, augmented by the power of the stolen Focusing Iris, was dropped directly over Theramore. The entire isle was utterly annihilated, with such brutal force that not even an insect survived. The casualties of this swift move were colossal — many of the Alliance's best and brightest generals were killed by the bomb, Lady Jaina Proudmoore herself only narrowly escaping it.
Having achieved a total victory, Garrosh was utterly elated. He spoke of the foolishness of his enemies — that he had stolen the Iris from under the noses of the Kirin Tor themselves, and that moment nothing of Theramore stood to oppose his conquest. Many of his soldiers were similarly thrilled at this victory, though others were repulsed: Baine, horrified, fled into the swamp to get away from the carnage as Malkorok laughed in his face.
Baine also thought back on the irony that Garrosh has just committed a far worse crime of dishonor than what he had executed Overlord Krom'gar over. This victory would not be without its consequences. Jaina, having survived the attack, was warped by the traumatic experience and twisted by the residual energies of the mana bomb, swearing to destroy Garrosh.
Her quest for vengeance took her to Orgrimmar itself, where she prepared to slaughter its population in a similar manner to the fate her own nation suffered, though ultimately stayed her hand. Instead, she attacked Garrosh's fleet, engaged with Varian Wrynn 's own.
Garrosh engaged Varian once more, taking their duel count up to three. This time Garrosh held his ground against Varian far better than their spar in Ashenvale , albeit once more the battle was cut short. The Alliance retreated from Durotar , and took back Northwatch for good measure.
Having narrowly avoided a catastrophe in Orgrimmar, and with Northwatch retaken, Garrosh ordered his coastal blockade of Kalimdor to fall back. Baine was pleased with this decision, viewing it as Garrosh giving up his conquest. To his horror, Garrosh stated that his plan has changed: instead of expelling the Alliance from Kalimdor, Garrosh now aimed to wage a war of total genocide. After being informed that he would lose Baine's support should another Theramore happen, Garrosh merely smirks at the tauren while remarking that such information is "duly noted.
Garrosh's brutal reign has had several lingering effects on both his allies and enemies: Vol'jin, though geographically most at risk of Garrosh's wrath, has privately given up all hope for him, and fell back to the Echo Isles to plan his next move; Baine, horrified at Garrosh's drive for genocide, has similarly fled back to Mulgore , while Jaina Proudmoore now the Kirin Tor's new leader after Garrosh indirectly killed Rhonin — although in a far better state of mind — has resolved to see Garrosh removed from power.
Meanwhile, Varian himself gained knowledge of the burgeoning discontentment in Garrosh's ranks and planned to have these "Horde rebels" take power from Garrosh in the long run. Garrosh made a dark proclamation: every man, woman, and child was to assist in the war effort against the Alliance, and any found shirking their duties would face the wrath of the Kor'kron.
Due to the destruction of Theramore, the Alliance has become motivated to the war effort instead of crushed as Garrosh originally intended. While being informed about the various navy battles by the newly promoted General Nazgrim , the Warchief was shocked to learn that during a naval battle in the south, Alliance forces were run aground.
Upon learning about this new uncharted land , Garrosh became enraged that the Alliance got there first and quickly ordered the General to gather his best men to secure the new land for the Horde. Some time afterwards, Garrosh greeted new pandaren who have sworn allegiance to the Horde along with Ji Firepaw.
He instructed them of what he expects of them [44] and tested their martial prowess by unleashing his captured beasts on them in the Ring of Valor.
Garrosh Hellscream, landing with the Dominance Offensive. Roughly two months after the initial foray into Pandaria , Garrosh himself arrived with the bulk of the Horde fleet, [45] and quickly went about removing the local Alliance presence along the shore of Krasarang.
Members of his own Horde joined forces with former Warchief Thrall to liberate the isle and take down Garrosh's men. As a deterrent, Thrall himself took up the leadership of the isles in Vol'jin's absence. Horde heroes were instructed to report Vol'jin's death to Garrosh, and remained close to the warchief — biding their time and finding other like-minded members of the Horde to save their coalition before Garrosh's rule destroys it.
He learned from Malkorok about the mogu race and took a special interest in the iron-fisted rule of the mogu and their technology remarking to Malkorok that he had much to learn from them , being particularly attracted by their ability to create new warriors and fuel emotions to their height in order to drastically increase battle prowess. Garrosh had sent an expedition led by Fanlyr Silverthorn to Ancestral Rise and wanted to see results. He was pleased when Fanlyr revealed to him information about the [ Divine Bell ].
Some time later, Garrosh traveled to Fire Camp Bataar , which he turned into a horde camp, and was investigating any mentions about the bell with Delia Sunseeker. It was there that Agent Connelly and an Alliance adventurer spied on him and learned about the Divine Bell too. Theron and his regiment were later sent to Mogujia but they were overpowered by the Mogu. Garrosh clashed with Theron too after neglecting to mention a strong mogu presence that resulted in several blood elven casualties.
Garrosh then observed Theron and his elves at the mogu ruins in Kun-Lai. The blood elves were planning to capture a mogu leader, Shan Kien. Theron sent a horde hero along with a farstrider and a blood knight to defeat the Mogu Warlord. Garrosh arrived during the battle and threw Gorehowl at the Mogu leader, almost killing him. Garrosh then demanded information about the Divine Bell but Shan Kien only mocked at him.
When Garrosh was preparing for a final blow, Fanlyr stopped him telling him that the mogu was the only key to the Divine Bell and that the blood elves would make him speak. Garrosh agreed and left telling him that should Fanlyr disrespected him once more, his head would be placed atop of a pike in Orgrimmar. Shan Kien was captured and brought to Garrosh'ar Advance. Back in the Shrine of Two Moons, Baine Bloodhoof , too, arrived on Pandaria, and worked to undo or clean up after the chaos Garrosh left behind during his stay, including but not limited to curing sha -corrupted soldiers at the Shrine of Two Moons.
Garrosh discussed the sha power with Lor'themar and Baine, and insisted that the Horde would control the power. Theron then departed to Silvermoon with a sha artifact to examine it. Garrosh then sent a Horde adventurer to Silvermoon to get information. Like Vol'jin before him, Lor'themar became increasingly wary of Garrosh's rule; and after multiple instances of his people's welfare being disregarded by the warchief including Garrosh's demand to look into the mogu artifact resulting in a sha being released in Silvermoon , Lor'themar considers pulling Quel'Thalas out of Garrosh's Horde, and reconsidering old Alliances.
Baine found a more peaceful way to extract the information, which proved successful. Shan Kien then revealed the location of a tomb, where the Bell was located.
Unbeknownst to the Horde, the Alliance was spying on the interaction and also learned the location. Garrosh sent Ishi to retrieve the Bell only to find that the kaldorei entered the tomb shortly before the Horde arrived and took the bell to Darnassus. Garrosh then sent Fanlyr and some Horde champions to locate the bell in Darnassus, and successfully claim it. Jaina Proudmoore discovered that the Sunreavers played a part in the theft, and purged them from the city of Dalaran.
Many fleeing blood elves including Aethas Sunreaver were rescued by Grand Magister Rommath ; and, in the aftermath of the conflict, the Sunreavers came to hold Garrosh just as responsible for their removal from Dalaran as Jaina herself. This act put a stop to the prospect of Lor'themar joining the Alliance: by organizing a heist in Darnassus after learning of Lor'themar's talks with Varian and focusing blame on the blood elves for it , Garrosh was able to sabotage the notion of the sin'dorei leaving the Horde.
Garrosh spoke about the Horde's grand destiny, and how he would use the Divine Bell to erase weakness from his orcs and create a stronger Horde. Garrosh then rang the Divine Bell, which turned his Kor'kron into sha. After they were dispatched by the adventurer, Prince Anduin Wrynn intervened and tried to deter Garrosh from using the Divine Bell. Anduin's pleas fell on deaf ears, and Garrosh used the Divine Bell to infest his champion Ishi with the power of the sha, who the adventurer then had to fight.
Though Garrosh encouraged his troops to master sha energy, in the end, none of his champions were able to do so. In the aftermath of the battle, Anduin used the Harmonic Mallet to turn the Divine Bell's chaos into pure harmony. This temporarily stunned Garrosh before he struck at the bell and destroyed it; causing its rubble to fall on Prince Anduin.
The impact of the bell has caused Anduin's bones to shatter. Believing Anduin dead, Garrosh let the Alliance champion live to relay the fate of Anduin to King Varian; thereby illustrating the price for his continued defiance. Know Your Lore: Garrosh Hellscream, part 2. Stickney Sponsored Links. In this article: cairne-bloodhoof , cataclysm , featured , garrosh-hellscream , grom-hellscream , guide , guide-to-lore , lore , lore-guide , magatha-grimtotem , role-play , role-playing-guide , rp-guide , thrall , varok-saurfang , voljin , warchief , world-of-warcraft-lore , wow-guide , wow-lore , wow-role-playing , wow-role-playing-guide , wow-rp , wow-rp-guide , wow-rping.
Vision of Garrosh Hellscream says : Don't talk back to me, troll. You know who was left in charge here. Haven't you stopped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you? Vol'jin's image appears. The short version: It's all explained in The Shattering, a novel released recently in the leadup to Cataclysms release. WoWinsider did those of us not inclined to read the Warcraft novels a favor by providing by-character synopses of the novel.
Here's the rundown on Thralls story and why he abdicated , and Here's the meat on Garrosh's early days as Thralls chosen successor, and the somewhat rocky first few months as Warchief. It was at this point I realized Blizzard made him into a violent buffoon, and not just a morally ambiguous, belligerent warchief that may yet redeem himself. I realize it was a pretty small and ultimately insignificant instance, but it was what did it for me.
Garrosh did nothing wrong. Change my mind. No seriously. Oh, oh, oh! I know this one! It was, ummm… Sargeras! Garrosh did a huge thing wrong. He broke the Horde. I mean Cataclysm. And yes Thrall is also a pretty terrible person. What is going on with the Story fourms lately?
Is there something in the water?