Why respond to literature
Fort this activity the students will respond to what they have read by discussing the main elements of the story:. They will decide how they would act out part of the story, what they would wear and what they would say. This activity will show their reaction to what they have read, use thier imaginations and show a personal tie to the literature.
Responses to literature [Students responses to literature]. Story elements [Parts of a story]. They have to understand what they read or what was read to them. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Essay How can we make our students respond to literature? Ben Davis May 2, How can we make our students respond to literature? What is a response to literature example? Why is responding to literature important?
What are the strategies in teaching literature? What are the aims of literature? What are the benefits of literature review? However, if a story is within their zone of proximal development ZPD they can with support.
Amount of action and order of action: Students' memories are limited in the number of events they can remember that occur at the same time. Even adults are limited to about seven ideas at a time. Students can remember more if the ideas are told sequentially and chained together in some manner.
Flashbacks are confusing to children who have not developed a fairly sophisticated concept of time remember your first experience with them? Children are more literal than adults: Fred Gwyn'e Moose, Amelia Badelia are examples of what students enjoy about second grade when they begin to understand beyond strict literal interpretations.
Understanding what and how children think can help us understand how they respond to literature. Therefore, theories of child development that suggest how children grow and develop socially, intellectually, morally, and physically can help us understand how they think, what their interests are, and their different needs across different ages.
Information to help guide your selections and to guide their selection of literature. Six developmental theories, on children's growth through childhood and adolescence to adulthood, related to examples of children's literature that correspond to the developmental characteristics.
Adapted by Robert Sweetland from Marjorie R. Hancock - Response Rubric for literature response journals. Robert Sweetland's notes [Home: homeofbob. Go Back Responses to literature and how facilitate growth The most important response a child can have with a piece of literature is enjoyment.
Overview Overview Introduction Model Kinds of responses Immediate and deferred Internal and personal or external and social Physical, cognitive, aesthetic Teaching applications Developmental responses to literature Development of quality responses to literature or characteristics of written journal response levels - use as a resource for critical analysis scoring guides Learners' development of story elements by grade level.
Development of Quality Responses to Literature or Characteristics of Written Journal Response Levels Novice Responses includes - Brief communications, spontaneously communicates thoughts and feelings better than when asked to compile his or her thoughts more formally.
Communicates a number of brief responses, which merely fulfills an assignment, rather than sharing a commitment to the story and characters. Summary or retelling of the story, rather than interacting with it.
Information limited to a general comprehension of the story - no personal involvement with it. Expressions of frustration with the response journal. Emerging Responses includes - Attempts to share spontaneously, but still gravitates toward a transitional response prompt format. Reasonable predictions using information from the story.
Communicates reaction's that seem detached without a commitment or connection to the story. Several questions to make sense of the story or to avoid confusion. Detached insights into the characters without achieving deep character involvement. Other response characteristics from the Novice Responder category. Maturing Responses include - Expressions of a personal interaction with the story that are similar to most common responses shared.
Evidence of involvement with the main character by talking about them as if he or she knew them. By suggesting advice or recommending different ways to act in situations in the story.
Plausible predictions based on information from the story and substantiates those predictions. Evidence of a willingness to try new ideas suggested by others for better understanding.
Other response characteristics from the Emerging Response category. Critical Responses include - Personally derived unique information supported by the story and communicated in an appropriate stylistic manner and tone. Reactions to the story as a literary piece and analysis of literary elements, communication techniques, and quality genre characteristics.
Comparisons of the story to other pieces of the same genre, by the same author, or with a similar theme. Other response characteristics in the Maturing Response category. Recognize the main character. Identify characters' moods happy, sad, angry, helping, mad Recognize that character's actions are related to their moods and personalities. Identify personality traits of characters good, bad, selfish, greedy, mean, shy, friendly, caring, cooperative, Recognize main character in a story.
Make an outline. What is literary reader? The reader has an active interaction with the written words which ultimately create the literary text. A silent piece of writing is activated once it is read by a reader.
There are even some experts who wish to distinguish a literary critic from a reader; even though they are both readers, yet of different categories. Who developed reader response?
Transactional reader-response theory, led by Louise Rosenblatt and supported by Wolfgang Iser, involves a transaction between the text's inferred meaning and the individual interpretation by the reader influenced by their personal emotions and knowledge.
How do you write a written response? Writing a Response or Reaction Paper Identify the author and title of the work and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.
Write an informative summary of the material. Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points. Use direct quotations from the work to illustrate important ideas. Was Crime and Punishment made into a movie?