Why does the secchi disk disappear
When compared with coastal measurements by Petzold [ 12 ] Fig. More discussion about these curves will follow in the next section. Combining Eqs. All curves are normalized at 1o for comparison. Equations 14 and 19 above reveal the relationship between the water MTF, the total attenuation, the spatial frequencies involved which can be related to the physical dimensions of the target or Secchi disk , and the depth or horizontal range at which the Secchi disk disappears.
It is clearly shown that finer details higher frequencies are lost first. From a qualitative MTF perspective it is clear that the disappearance of the Secchi disk as it is moved away from the observer is the result of reduced resolution by the system response function, or MTF, at the spatial frequency related to the disk size and range. Here for simplicity, we exclude the effect of imaging system itself the human eye in this situation , as well as that of the air-sea interface when considering vertical application, and consider only the effect of water transmission.
MTF of water at different mean square scattering settings Eq. See text for details. When the limiting contrast threshold C L is reached, the Secchi disk can no longer be seen by the human operator. These include those related to the actual disk size low frequencies extending to those associated with the disk edge high frequencies. Another way to interpret the above equation is that as the disk is moved away from the observer, the corresponding spatial frequency increases ie, narrower subtense angle.
From Fig. Assume at this point that the difference between the target brightness and the background is small but not zero , such that dropping angular notations hereon for simplicity. As noted previously since both contrast terms depict the same target, the informational content is the same.
The difference exists only in mathematical forms, yet it gives a new perspective about Secchi disk disappearance. It is easy to see from Eq. The above is the derived horizontal visibility range. For vertical Secchi disk applications, one can show from Eqs. These have the same form and are directly comparable to the radiative transfer results [ 2 ].
Rewriting Eq. Take the generally accepted limiting contrast as 0. Assuming the total scattering is 0. The horizontal visibility range for the black Secchi disk therefore becomes. Visibility range comparisons between previous radiative transfer approach and current MTF approach. Visibility measurements were taken at foot 10FSW and foot 30FSW water depths depth below the surface each day, following the same track directions each day.
Attenuation c and scattering b values at nm are used to represent photopic attenuation and scattering [ 4 ] for both approaches. Each data point represents the averaged value at the specific depth on each day. The two approaches generally agree well as shown. The solid line depicts ratio. In other words, the traditional theory based on the radiative transfer approach applies regardless of whether the disk is 1mm or 10m in diameter.
In doing so, the Secchi depth is now explicitly related to the disk size as well as the scattering. The decay of MTF at spatial frequencies over the observing range Fig. From Eq. The current MTF-based approach shows, on the other hand, that the scattering does not affect all frequencies equally Eq.
The only time both approaches would converge is when the second term on the right side of Eq. This is precisely the case for the Secchi disk where the total attenuation plays the dominant role at increased higher spatial frequencies by reducing the target contrast. This explains why the original radiative transfer approach by Preisendorfer and Duntley works so well. Throughout the history of Secchi disk usage various disk sizes have been used ranging from a few centimeters to meters in diameter.
The disk sizes most often used are between 20 and 40cm in diameter; with the 30cm being the standard for marine scientists, while lake researchers seem to prefer the 20cm size. Radiative transfer theory results do not explicitly contain relationships between the Secchi depth and the disk size. Rather, it is embedded implicitly in the contrast threshold C v. From the MTF aspect, however, the functional dependence of Secchi disk visibility and disk size, and the relationship with forward scattering Eqs.
There are other contributors to a change in the apparent size of the disk such as deployment height and viewing angle, but here we address disk size specifically. Because of the large range of disk sizes used it is important to examine the impact disk size has on the overall visibility range.
We can derive the rate of variation of ZSD as a function of the disk size using Eq. One may also notice that the approximation error of Wsd in Eq. Together, these further help explain the convergence of radiative transfer and the MTF approaches. This effect can also be explained by Fig. From the modulation transfer perspective it can be seen that the contrast decay of the spatial frequency reaches a plateau at higher spatial frequencies.
In other words, due to the fast decay in the MTF it does not really matter much if the disk size is 20cm or 30cm. This is an impact only when Z SD is very small or when the disk is very large ie low frequencies. This rapid decay is the key reason behind observations that the target size does not significantly alter the disappearance range of the disk. The further away the disk is, the higher the spatial frequencies it corresponds to, and where the MTF at these frequencies flattened out is about the same for the 30cm and the 20cm disk.
As for disk color, from the modulation transfer theory Eqs. This has been confirmed by daily Secchi depth measurements over a 6 month time span done in Skagit River [ 8 ]. Therefore, both types of disks are equally useful when measuring underwater visibility and water quality [ 4 ]. This result seems inconsistent with the theory which suggests that for differing background adaptation luminance, combined with different contrast values 0. The modulation transfer method presented here has the benefit of a general approach, and is applicable to other underwater visibility issues including self-illuminating targets.
The disappearing frequency corresponds to any contrast related features, such as patterns and textures, so long as the dependant spatial frequency is not so small that it is limited by the system hardware before the medium Eq. The only difference when applying the theory to different targets is in the threshold contrast that is required.
It considers photons scattered within this angle as part of the signal to be included. This inherently assumes strong forward scattering in the medium. In addition, studies also show that the exact shape of the volume scattering function Eq. However, departure from the small angle approximation assumption will invalidate the modulation transfer theory applied here. For instance, the theory is not valid for a Raleigh-type scattering medium. For example, if visibility is only 1.
Further, a closer examination at different spatial frequencies reveals that this term would affect only low frequencies Fig.
Modulation transfer decay blur due to the turbulence of the medium is not accounted for in our discussion, nor is other factors that reduce visibility such as surface glint and capillary waves.
Recent changes of global ocean transparency observed by SeaWiFS. Jiang, D. Matsushita, F. Setiawan, and A. An improved algorithm for estimating the Secchi disk depth from remote sensing data based on the new underwater visibility theory.
Lee, Z. Du, K. Voss, G. Zibordi, B. Lubac, R. Arnone, and A. Shang, C. Hu, K. Du, A. Weidemann, W. Hou, J. Lin, and G. Secchi disk depth: A new theory and mechanistic model for underwater visibility.
Visibility: How applicable is the century-old Koschmieder model? Shang, K. Du, and J. Resolving the long-standing puzzles about the observed Secchi depth relationships.
Liu, Y. Xiao, J. Li, F. Zhang, and S. Luksch, J. Mit 3 Tafeln und 11 Textfiguren. Erste Reihe. Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften. Frueher: Denkschr. Fortgesetzt: Denkschr. Biases in ocean color over a Secchi disk. Preisendorfer, R. Eyeball optics of natural waters: Secchi disk science. Raman, C. On the molecular scattering of light in water and the colour of the sea.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Secchi, A. Tipografia delle belle arti, Roma, pp. Relazione delle esperienze fatte a bordo della pontificia pirocorvetta Imacolata Concezione per determinare la trasparenza del mare; Memoria del P. Belle Arti, Roma, 96 pp. Ule, W. Geographische Zeitschrift 5 8 — Wernand, M. On the history of the Secchi disc. Spectral analysis of the Forel-Ule Ocean colour comparator scale. Zhang, Y.
Qin, G. Zhu, K. Shi, and Y. Profound changes in the physical environment of Lake Taihu from 25 years of long-term observations: Implications for algal bloom outbreaks and aquatic macrophyte loss. Zhou, Q. Wang, L. Huang, Y. Zhang, J. Qin, K. Li, and L. Spatial and temporal variability in water transparency in Yunnan Plateau lakes, China. This is an open access article made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.
Images, animations, videos, or other third-party material used in articles are included in the Creative Commons license unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Close Select all. Article Abstract This manuscript is dedicated to the memory of Marcel Wernand — , who I had the fortune to work with before I replaced him as head of the marine optics research group at the Royal NIOZ. Full Text Introduction The Secchi disk Figure 1 is a reflective white disk that is attached to a rope and lowered down the water column until it goes out of sight from above the surface.
Figure 1. Cialdi fece preparare varii dischi di diametro e di colore differenti che doveano immergersi nel mare fino a perdersi di veduta. Box 1. In Rome, the capital of the Papal States, he received an education in theology and physics at the Roman College, an institution for religious and academic training of Jesuits.
Years later, after the death of the former director, astronomer Francesco de Vico, Secchi was appointed the director of the Roman College Observatory, where he would spend his entire career.
While at the Roman College Observatory, Secchi pioneered the use of spectroscopy in astronomy, applying this technique to classifying stars by spectral types. Secchi spent years observing double stars, which led to the publication in of a catalog of 1, double stars Secchi, During these years, he made observations of clusters, nebulae, planets, and comets as well.
Secchi led a scientific expedition to Spain to observe the total solar eclipse of , capturing photographs of the solar corona and the prominences Secchi, Analysis of all these photos, combined with measurements made with different instrumentation and under different atmospheric conditions during this and several other expeditions, confirmed the real nature of solar prominences.
Secchi studied meteorology and is regarded as a pioneer in the use of isobar maps for weather forecasting. Secchi conceived meteorology as a complex physical problem, in which a complete understanding could only be achieved after the systematic recording of a large array of variables. He is known for building the meteorograph, a precursor of an automated weather station Secchi, Secchi was also an all-purpose geoscientist and civil engineer for the Papal States.
Secchi designed fire protection systems and made suggestions for the reconstruction of buildings that had been affected by earthquakes. Secchi was a brilliant communicator. His documents are written in a rich and pedagogical style. He did not hesitate to give public lectures and disseminate science among the less educated social classes.
Secchi greatly encouraged amateur astronomers and promoted astronomy education. He was held in high esteem internationally, witnessed by the numerous treatises published and translated into several languages, the cordial welcome he received during his travels abroad, and the many international prizes he was awarded. Secchi was a fellow of the most prestigious international academies and committees.
His name can be found in their official publications as well as in international scientific journals of the time. Despite his broad and relevant scientific productivity, historiography has been largely silent on Secchi and his scientific works, which is partially attributable to the complexity of his personality and the political implications of being a Catholic and a Jesuit.
The most serious consequence was that no work by Secchi was translated into English. Among the English-speaking audience, his ideas circulated only thanks to quotations in American texts. In , a crater on Mars was named for him, and in , an asteroid. In Rome, only a couple of discrete busts honor his memory Figure B This biography provides the historic context of that time, which saw the shrinking and fall of the Papal States.
Figure B Busts of Secchi in Rome. The Roman College Observatory identified the site in , 1, m away from the observatory, to adjust the observation of the meridian circle.
Here, in the Pontifical Academy of the Lincei, in the year , in a very crowded meeting, he presented researches and discoveries on the knowledge of the matter of the stars, based on the diversity of their brightness, on the sun, on the spots placed here and there [on its surface], on the prominences that are on the extreme circumference of the solar disk.
To honor this fellow, a collection was taken up to place this in the year Antonio Angelini of the Society of Jesus. As depth increases further, even green becomes very poor, and we verified with the spectrometer that the rays that lay near the Fraunhofer line b [about nm, green color] are particularly very absorbed, and only the most refractive colors remain. This explains the color of the water at depth, which is a mixed violet-blue.
The phenomenon of the Blue Grotto at Capri near Naples, and at another one at Circeo Cape, which shows the same phenomenon, are caused by this colored light reflected from the water. The Secchi depth is a measurement of water clarity. Water transparency directly affects the amount of light penetration into a lake. Algae and suspended particles from erosion make the water cloudy and decrease the Secchi transparency in a lake; therefore, the lower the Secchi depth, the higher the algal concentration and lake productivity.
A lake can vary in water transparency seasonally, so it is important to take numerous Secchi disk readings per summer. Once a month from May to September is the minimum, but every two weeks is even better. If Secchi depth is measured in a lake for numerous consecutive years, the data can be analyzed for water quality trends. If a significant trend indicates increasing Secchi depth over time, the water quality is improving.